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The Baby Penguin is a character appearing in Tom and Jerry Tales episode Adventures in Penguin Sitting and the episode's book adpation.

The penguin escaped from the zoo and befriended Jerry Mouse and but he is very hungry, so they go into the kitchen to get frozen coloured ice lollies, but Tom tries to prevent that. The penguin eats different coloured ice lolly and burps into Tom's face. Mrs. Two Shoes gets very angry at Tom and makes him clean up the mess before she returns. Jerry gets the penguin another ice lolly and froze over the entire house as the penguin eats it and burps in Tom's face again. Then the penguin heads into the kitchen again raiding the freezer for more ice lollies until Jerry snatches the purple lolly from him and he cries. Tom tries to get them but slips then Jerry gets in a shock to see the penguin has eaten up all the remaining ice lollies. Suddenly Tom grabs the penguin then gags his beaks with a cork but Jerry slams his foot with a frying pan and he jumps in the air in pain and the cat gets launched into the freezer while Jerry and the penguin ride on the frying pan like a sleigh and grabbing the orange popsicle with them. After coming out as ice cubes, Tom grabs two spatulas and skis after Jerry and the penguin using icicles as ski poles. Jerry and the penguins sled under Tom who gets his head stuck in a moose's nose until he gets sneezed out.

While sledding, Jerry and the penguin spin around as Tom catches up to them on his own sled when the penguin eats the orange lolly, burps in Tom's face for the third time and Jerry turns the pan to the left while Tom crashes into the entire refrigerator and lets out a big sneeze.

Mrs. Two Shoes comes back home to witness the house covered in ice and while Tom was taking the fall, Jerry brings the penguin back into the zoo again with his own family. Later, Jerry was back home watching TV again but when he hears the doorbell and opened the door, he sees a whole group of penguins outside much to his dismay, causing him to faint.






Tom and Jerry Tales[]

Season 2[]


