"Cajun Gumbo" is the 144th episode of Tom & Jerry Kids. This episode serves as a sequel episode Wild Mouse II taking place in the Hokey-Finokey Swamp except the protagonist is Swampy Fox instead of Wild Mouse.
Swampy the Fox escapes a circus train and comes back to the swamp to locate a treasure, but Sheriff Potgut (with the Gator Brothers) wants the treasure as well.
Swampy Fox breaks out from his captivity of being a circus performer and returns home to Hokey Finokey Swamp to confront his former friend and archnemesis Sheriff Potgut for doing so. He sets off on a mission to find the hidden treasure from One-Eyed Ladoo and sets traps on Sheriff Potgut and his henchmen the Gator Brothers to keep them away. Can he find the hidden treasure before his enemies do?
- The only Swampy and Gator Brothers episode.
- This is the second and last appearance of Sheriff Potgut and The Gator Brothers who first appeared in Wild Mouse II and the only appearance ever of Swampy Fox.
- The location, Hokey-Finokey Swamp and the Ragin' Cajun Mumbo Gumbo Stew is also present here.
- A lion seen in the circus car resembles Simba from the previous episode.