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Cat Hair is the twenty-first episode of Tom and Jerry in New York.


A hairless Sphinx cat named Cesar distorts the hotel's daily life.


Jerry is hiding inside a cart left at one of the hotel corridors. Tom grabs a shoe and presses Jerry flat with it. Before he can pound the mouse with the shoe, he is called by Armand to the reception. It turns out that a honorary guest named Mrs. Vandarkashian has come to the hotel with her pet Sphinx cat named Cesar. Much to his dismay, Tom is given the task to look after Cesar, which includes making sure he has no contact with cat fur. Mrs. Vandarkashian shows her disapproval with Tom giving her cat a blanket to warm up, only because the blanket is covered in Tom's fur, because his fur was getting too long. Armand calls animal bathers, who clean Tom to shine. Jerry is observing the incident and he finds it amusing.

Once Tom is made more elegant, it is time for Cesar to benefit from the animal bathers. Unlike Tom, the Sphinx cat does not mind the services. Jerry snatches a hair dryer with hair inside from the van and wreaks havoc inside the hotel, by shooting cat hair at random targets. Tom does his best to protect Cesar from the allergens. A fight erupts, when Tom uses an umbrella as a melee weapon against Jerry, so he obtains the hair dryer and cleans the hair from the hotel.

At the same time, Armand is trying to impress Mrs. Vandarkashian with the hotel he is running. Tom presents clean Cesar at the reception, but Jerry remains relentless. The mouse develops a plan to obtain cut cat hair from the animal bathers and spray it upon Cesar through the hotel ventilation system. The devious plan works, for Cesar gets rendered with Tom's leftover fur. Mrs. Vandarkashian faints and Armand thereto scolds Tom for his alleged lack of competence. Jerry is having fur nearby.

Tom has it enough - he walks to the animal bathers' van and shaving off his fur himself in an act of despair. Shortly afterwards, he comes back to the hotel clean-shaved. Armand watches him with amazement. Tom sets quadrupedal pose, strikes facial expression like Cesar the hairless Sphinx cat does, and meows. Mrs. Vandarkashian wakes up and believes that Tom is her Cesar, so she hugs him and takes with herself. Armand, Cesar and Jerry watch in amazement Tom's triumph. Tom smiles to the audience and the screen iris out as an episode ends.



  • Tom has apparently exploited Mrs. Vandarkashian's sight impairment, for even despite being clean shaved, he considerably differs from Cesar.


Tom and Jerry In New York Episodes
Season 1
Put A Ring On It/Come Fly With Me/Bubble Gum Crisis/MousequeradeMuseum Peace/Here Kite-y Kite-y/Street Wise Guys/Chameleon StoryTelepathic Tabby/Shoe In/It's a Gift/Stormin' the DoormanThe Great Donut Robbery/Torpedon't/Billboard Jumble/Horticulture ClashRoom Service Robots/Coney Island Adventure/Scents and Sensibility/Wrecking BallCat Hair/Shhh!/Torched Song/Quacker's Lucky PennyReady Teddy/Swiss Cuckoo/Dream Team/Private Tom
Season 2
Top of the Heap/Stunt Double Trouble/Surfer Supreme/Kabuki CatToo Much Monkey Business/Doggie Championship/Snow Day/Toots the TerribleThe Spa's the Limit/The Hairy Dignitary/Year of the Mouse/RelativityCat and Mouse Burglars/Caterpillar and Mouse/Pied Piper of Harlem/Lazy JerryTo Your Health/Golf Brawl/Tom's Swan Song/King Spike the First and LastPlanet of the Mice/Ball of Fun/Big Apple/Flamingo A-Go-Go