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This article is a transcript of the Tom and Jerry in New York episode "Cat and Mouse Burglers".

News Reporter: Famed pop star, Riva McDiva, is currently on her way to New York City, where she be staying at the illustrious Royal Gate Hotel.

Spike: These no talents celebutantes are just sizzle. no steaks.

Jerry: (He shows that he is a fan of Riva McDiva by the posters in his mouse hole and he flag saying Riva McDiva)

Spike: What do you think, cat?

Tom: (gives a scowl look at Jerry)

Jerry: (Opens his eyes and waves his Riva McDiva flag)

Tom: (crosses his arms)

(The trio noticed flash photography going on so they all go to check it out. They see Riva McDiva entering the Royal Gate Hotel as the paparazzi take pictures are outside taking pictures of her, she passes by the trio)

Jerry: (He flutters as he falls in love with Riva)

[Romantic music plays]

Spike: [sighs in exasperation] I don't get it. I just don't get it.

Tom: (Hearts appears in his eyes)

Armand: Welcome to the Royal Gate, Ms. McDiva.

(Riva takes a selfie with Armand)

Armand: We'll get you all checked in the royal suite, of course. Luggage?

Riva McDiva: I only brought one bag, It's my favorite, I'm never without it.

(Jerry lies in her box as Tom lies on him trying give her attention)

Riva McDiva: [sighs] Will you be my snuggle kitty awhile I'm here?

Tom: *shakes his head vertically meaning yes*

[Classic sound is heard during when Tom was nodding]

(Jerry get out from under Tom's shoulder as he glares at him, Riva noticed Jerry and held him on hands)

Riva McDiva: Mm. You're such a cute little mouse!

Tom: (Tom springs his head with a smiling expression at Riva)

Riva McDiva: You can both be both be part of my entourage.

(Jerry glares at Tom for the attention as Tom's snuggles by her touching his chin, Tom's feet accidently opens the luggage which appears to be empty)

Spike: (Looks at the empty luggage)

Riva McDiva: [laughs] Time to go!

(Riva then carries her luaggage with Tom and Jerry sitting on it to the elevator)

Riva McDiva: Toodeloo!

(As she goes up the elevator)

Spike: *shrugs*

Riva McDiva: [sighs] Time to relax. (She lies in bed with her holding Tom and Jerry) Wee! *chuckles* (She throws both cat and mouse up the air) Time for another picture. *camera snaps* (Riva takes another picture with Tom and Jerry) *stomach rumbling* I'm so hungry. Do you boys think you can get me a burger from the kitchen? You can't tell anybody, My fans and my manager think I'm in a diet.

Tom: *shakes there head vertically for yes*

Jerry: *shakes there head vertically for yes*

(Tom and Jerry close their mouth like their is a literal zipper. The duo look at the kitchen door, Jerry see that a chef has placed a burger, he notifed Tom with a whistle)

Jerry: *whistle*

(Tom then sees the burger that they will need to for Riva, Tom then checks the door and flings Jerry inside the kitchen to nab the burger as it left unoticed. Now that they got the burger, Tom hold the burger in the burger in the platter, Spike hits Tom's face to tell him)

Spike: Hey, you got to pay for that burger.

(Spike return the burger to the kitchen as both sigh)

Tom: *sigh*

Jerry: *sigh*

(Jerry then comes up with an idea)

Jerry: *indistinct whispering*

(Tom and Jerry set up the table for Spike, Jerry gets a steak from a plate left standing out, when there done serving Spike they Tom sneaks the burger behind him in his suit, as Spike noticed what was behind Tom's back as he looks at the screen in confusion. The duo show Riva the burger)

Riva McDiva: *giggles* Ooh, that looks great! Thank you, guys. (Tom and Jerry see Riva McDiva devour the burger in a matter of seconds) *chomping* (After finishing eating, Riva then looks at her room) Nothing against the maid service here, but I like to do my own cleaning. Could you get me the key card to the main supply room?

(Tom quickly gets the key card and gives it to Riva. Riva dresses herself as a maid from the storage room)

Riva McDiva: Woo-hoo! Now that we cleaned my room, let's clean the whole floor. Isn't cleaning fun *laughs* Told ya, I was a neat freak.

(Riva tinkles Tom's chin)

Tom: *train horn blowing from him*

(Tom gets another key card and gives it to Riva)

Riva McDiva: Let's get to work!

(Tom and Jerry get to cleaning with McRiva, with Riva cleaning, Tom and Jerry do there usual hijinks with Jerry to open to draw for Tom to hit his head with)

Jerry: *snickers*

(Tom retaliate by sucking Jerry inside the hand vacumm he was to clean)

Riva McDiva: Okay, next room.

(Tom and Jerry clean the bathroom, Tom shoots water a Jerry with the sink)

Tom: *laughs hysterically*

(Jerry gets him back by flushing his tail in the toliet, Tom tries to grab on to the sink, but the apparent sink is too weak for him to hold that the sink has been on toliet on Tom. Riva sweeps the floor, after there done)

Riva McDiva: Cleaning is so much fun.

(As Riva pushes her luggage as she is distracted in taking selfie, Spike bumbs into them to discovering )

Spike: Huh, what's this? This junk was empty earlier.

(Spike, Tom and Jerry): Ahh!

Riva McDiva: Mind you business mutt. Time to go.

(Riva quickly runs to the elevator, the trio chase after her, they stop when they noticed they can't make it to the elevator)

*dramtic music plays*

Jerry: (Jerry pulls Tom's tail, to tell fling him by his tail like they did earlier)

Riva McDiva: (she taunts them)

(Jerry gets inside the elevator Riva is in, without her noticing him and that he tied her shoelaces together, when she moved, she then trips on her shoes)

Riva McDiva: [yelps]: Whoa! Oof!

(Her luggage moves to Armand)

Armand: What is going on here?

(Spike shows Armand all the hotel items and jewerlry that was in Riva's luaggage)

Armand: [gasp]: Wait. Those are all hotel items and jewerlry from other guest. Riva McDiva, you are a theiver.

Riva McDiva: I'm a celebrity. I deserve some free stuff.

(A police car is seen in the Royal Gate Hotel)

News Reporter: Beloved pop star, Riva McDiva was recently caught stealing from a high-end hotel in New York. Her nefarious plot was thwarted by these furry heroes.

(Thanks to the furry heroes (being Spike, Tom and Jerry) as they shred all of Riva McDiva's posters that they had, Jerry takes a selfie of himself shredding a picture of Riva in the shredder)
