Cates is a recurring character in The Tom and Jerry Show (2014). He is voiced by Jeremy Crutchley in his first two appearances, before David Shaughnessy took over voicing him for all of his later appearances, starting with Live and Let Diet.
Cates is the top butler of Postlewait Manor. He helps and assigns tasks for Tom to do around the Manor.
Episodes appear in[]
The Tom and Jerry Show (2014)[]
Season 3[]
- Don't Cut the Cheese
- Catty Shack
- Live and Let Diet
- A Snootful
- It's All Relative
- Faux Hunt
- Tuff Shooting
- Battle of the Butlers
- Kid Stuff
- The Royal Treatment
- Driven Crazy
- Bird Flue
- Saddle Soreheads
- Truffle Trouble
- Calorie Count
Season 4[]
- The Great Catsby
- Downton Crabby
- Dam Busters
- Chutes and Tatters
- Mice Fair Ladies
- Hot Wings
- Mind Your Royal Manners
- A Rare Breed
- The Wearing of the Green
- Tom's Cruise
- Ten Toms the Trouble
- Turkey Tom
- Tom Save the Queen
- Party Animals
- The French Mistake