Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

(The episode begins at the main street of New York .Jazzy music is heard in the background. Tom is resting on his pillow in the corridor.)

Tom: *splashes milk*

(Fiddle is heard in the background, as a trolley is moving. Molly removes the cloth, revealing food on the trolley. Jerry emerges from the grapes.)

Jerry: *kisses a single grape* (A man passes nearby and approaches Armand.)

Leon's owner: I say, old boy, I'd like a room for the night for myself and my travelling companion here. (The man puts a seemingly empty container near Armand.)

Armand: There's nothing in here.

Leon's owner: *laughs* Ah, but there is! *whispers* It's a chameleon, capable of blending in with its surroundings, thus making itself dis-appear. Leon, are you in there?

(A chameleon appears seemingly from nowhere. After a moment, it disappears again.)

Armand: Oh, my! He disappeared. Anyway, about your room... I just need a few signatures. (Armand gives Leon's owner papers to fill. Leon appears again and blends with the environment. He opens his container and slips outside.) enjoy your stay, sir.

Leon's owner: Oh, I'm quite sure I will. (The man walks away. Jerry is eating a grape. When he tries to have cheese bits, Tom slams the platter and eats those away.)

Tom: *blows raspberry*

(Tom walks away, rendering Jerry in chewed cheese. Leon appears behind a corner, watching the incident. Jerry cleans himself, then he attempts to eat a leftover chunks of cheese. He tosses it high, but the chunk does not fall down. Jerry cannot believe his sight, until Leon uncloaks himself. The reptile comes down, gives Jerry the cheese chunk, and shows a trick with revolving eyes. Jerry tries to imitate it, but Molly appears and the animals have to flee. Molly takes the trolley to the kitchen and leaves it there. Once Molly goes away, Leon uncloaks himself and Jerry emerges from the pillar.)

Jerry: Hahaha! (Leon hides inside a cookie jar. Jerry sets a broom to the furniture the cookie jar is placed on. When Leon emerges, Jerry shows he wants to eat cookies. Leon uses the broom as a lever to roll the cookies downwards to Jerry. The mouse stacks them on the ground. Tom approaches the scene.)

Tom: ARRGH! (Tom slams the cookie stack and goes after Jerry.)

Leon: *Exclaims mutely* (Leon goes to the ground, while Tom is chasing Jerry around the kitchen Tom gets hit by a broom held by cloaked Leon. Tom attempts to fight the tool using a rolling pin to parry. Having defeated the broom, Tom examines it. Suddenly, the broom resists moving and struggles with Tom. When dropped, the broom attacks Tom.)

Tom: ARRGH! (Tom gets beaten by the broom held by invisible Leon. At the opposite end of the table, Leon grabs a meat mallet.) ARRGH! (Tom dodges two attacks and gets hit at his foot on third attack.) YEOOW! (While Tom holds his foot in pain, Leon relocates himself and starts tossing platters at Tom while remaining concealed. Tom gets hit with a fruit bowl, a pan, and a rolling pin.)

Jerry: Ha-haha! *laughs*

(Tom charges at Jerry, but Leon stops him by hurling banana peels. Tom runs to the corridor in fear. At the other end of the corridor, Jerry and Leon set a vacuum cleaner and attack Tom.)


(After running past half of the corridor, Tom gets sucked inside the vacuum cleaner. Leon uncloaks himself for a moment, turns the switch on the vacuum cleaner, and Tom gets ejected outside. The cat flees. Leon hides inside a paint trolley. Tom approaches the trolley and gets paint spilled on him by invisible Leon. A bell dings while Leon is exciting himself. Leon's owner approaches Tom.)

Leon's owner: Did you see my pet chameleon Leon? Never mind, I bet he's behind the fountain.

(Tom starts thinking and spots green reptilian foot prints on the floor. Tom grabs a golf club, spots Leon and attacks him. Instead of dealing damage to Leon, Tom causes mess. At the same time, Leon bothers Armand.)

Armand: Yes, how can I help... Oh! (Tom keeps destroying objects around him with a golf club.) NO! (Armand leaps and stops Tom.) Thomas? What on Earth do you think you're doing?! Ugh! You've made an absolute mess. (Armand shows Tom the havoc the cat has wrought.) Clean that mess up! (Armand tosses Tom and walks away.)

Jerry: A-ha-haha! (Leon pops up and shakes Jerry's hands. A whimsical music is playing.)

Leon's owner: Leon! There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Staying out of trouble, I see? *chuckles* Come along, we've got to get home. We've been called back to Madagascar by the president.

(The man shuts the container and walks away. Jerry stares at Leon's owner with anguish and waves goodbye. Leon appears from nowhere and licks Jerry's back. Jerry hugs Leon to the sound of violin. The episode ends. )
