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Chickenrella is the thirty-seventh episode of The Tom and Jerry Show (1975).


After falling asleep when reading Cinderella, Tom and Jerry dream themselves into the story, helping Cindy (voiced by Janet Waldo) and her blundering fairy godmother (who briefly turns the girl into a chicken, hence the title) (voiced by Jean Vander Pyl).


Tom and Jerry indulge in a little fowl play in this retelling of the Charles Perrault 17th-century fairytale classic. Tom and Jerry fall asleep reading Cinderella and dream themselves into the fairy tale. The traditional story unfolds with Tom and Jerry sleeping in Cindy bed as Cindy's faithful companions, helping her with the housework by Jerry take the broom and sweeps the floor until Tom goes and help Jerry sweeps the floor causing Jerry let go of the broom and lands onto the bar of soap causing it to slides and goes to the bucket but Tom sweeps the floor quickly causing the dust goes everywhere however the mean stepmother see and goes to Tom and tells him you are making a bigger mess while her mean stepmother and ugly stepsisters nag. When mean stepmother and ugly stepsister going to the ball except Cindy, Tom and Jerry they are not going to the ball and the stepsister stick the tongue to them and they leave without them. Cindy is forbidden to go to the ball, her blundering fairy godmother steps in, turning herself and Cindy into chickens and Jerry into a pumpkin and Tom tries to run away and fairy godmother turn him into the princess so the fairy godmother thinks she made her mistakes so the fairy godmother swaps the dress to Cindy and the fairy godmother turn the pumpkin back to Jerry dress up as a coach and fairy godmother wave her wand and give her a glass slippers but Cindy head turn into the chicken but the fairy godmother turn her back to normal and fairy godmother turn the horses and carriage before she straightens it all out and sends the happy trio off to the castle. At the castle He tell the Prince Charming to get married soon but the Prince Charming is feeling sad so Tom whisper to Jerry to get revenge on ugly stepsisters. Cindy wins the prince and rides off the horse with him and Tom and Jerry, while the ugly stepsisters whine and complain that "this fairy tale always ends the same way!" so Tom and Jerry waves goodbye to ugly stepsisters while they riding on the horse and so the ugly stepsisters cries.



  • The episode title is a pun of Cinderella.
  • The second New Tom & Jerry cartoon to use a fairytale as inspiration, following Episode #80-22, "Beanstalk Buddies." A third is #80-35, "See Dr. Jackal And Hide."
  • Uses portions of the underscores from The Jetsons (ABC, 1962-63) and The Adventures Of Gulliver (ABC, 1968-70).
  • Tom and Jerry talk once more; here, they say "Yuck!"
  • Janet Waldo voices Cindy.
  • Joan Gerber voices the fairy godmother. Fans of DuckTales (Syn., 1987-88/1989-90) recognize Gerber as the voice of Ms. Beakly.
  • As this particular installment of The New Tom & Jerry/Grape Ape Show initially aired on Thanksgiving 1975, notice a certain theme which runs through these segments: these concern fine-feathered creatures. Here, The Fairy Godmother accidentally changes into a hen; the next cartoon, "Double Trouble Crow", finds a crow creating havoc on corn farmers Tom & Jerry's crop; and the final installment, "Jerry's Nephew", sees Dinky create further havoc for his uncles T&J in a chicken farm. Even the segments of The Great Grape Ape Show sandwiched between these episodes, the 20-minute 2-part special "S.P.L.A.T.'s Back" (#79-20 [Part I]; #79-26 [Part II]), took on this fowl-related theme as well, as its main antagonist concerned a criminal mastermind called The Chicken!
  • The Evil Stepmother said, "I don't remember no dumb cat in this fairy tale". But, in the 1950 animated Disney adaption of Cinderella, the Evil Stepmother and the Ugly Stepsisters did own a cat named Lucifer who is the sworn enemy of Cinderella's mice friends and always tries to eat them. But in this version, Tom is a companion of Cinderella along with Jerry and the Evil Stepmother even forced him to do the household chores with Jerry and Cinderella.


The Tom and Jerry Show (1975) Episodes
No Way, Stowaways / The Ski Bunny / Stay Awake or Else...No Bones About It / An Ill Wind / Beach BullyMammoth Manhunt / The Wacky World of Sports / Robin Ho HoSafe But Not Sorry / Gopher Broke / The Super BowlerTricky McTrout / The Tennis Menace / Cosmic Cat and Meteor Mouse/ Castle Wiz/ Grim and Bear It/ The Flying SorceressThe Kitten Sitters / Termites Plus Two / Planet PestThe Hypochondriac Lion / Give 'Em the Air / The Egg and Tom and JerryWatch Out, Watch Dog / The Super Cyclists / The Police KittenThe Outfoxed Fox / Towering Fiasco / The Lost DucklingBeanstalk Buddies / Two Stars Are Born / Son of Gopher BrokeThe Sorcerer's Apprentices / Hold That Pose / The Supercape CaperChickenrella / Double Trouble Crow / Jerry's NephewSee Dr. Jackal and Hide / Planet of the Dogs / The Campout CutupTriple Trouble / The Bull Fighters / Cruise KittyIt's No Picnic / Big Feet / The Great Motorboat Race