"City Dump Chumps" is the sixth episode of Tom and Jerry Tales, originally airing on September 30th, 2006. It is directed by Douglas McCarthy, written by Robert Ramirez and storyboard by Norma Rivera Klingler.
At the city dump, Jerry is caught between Tom and his rival Butch as the two cats wage a junkyard battle for the delectable mouse.
The episode begins with Jerry stealing the slice of pizza from the Pizzeria. He eats the slice of pizza as Tom busts open the door and chases Jerry around the city. Jerry hides in the sofa and Tom jumps to try and catch Jerry. Tom gets stuck in the sofa as the truck arrives. The garbage man comes out of the truck and puts the sofa in the truck and drives into the city dump. The crane then picks up the sofa and puts it on top of the junk. Tom and Jerry come out of the sofa, only to realize that they are in the city dump. Jerry spots the pizza box with a slice of pizza and soda. Tom tries to catch Jerry, but gets trapped in the sofa. Jerry goes to get the slice of pizza from the pizza box. After eating the slice of pizza, he drinks the soda. Tom is about to catch Jerry.
He uses the lamppost to whack Jerry, but the lamppost slaps Tom causing him to fall off and tumble onto the trash can. As Jerry continues to eat a slice of pizza, Butch comes out of the trash can and eats Jerry, only for Tom to appear to take the mouse out of his mouth with a wrench. Tom stuffs Butch with a wrench, but he spits out the wrench and it lands into Tom’s face. Then Butch grabs Jerry and pulls out the wrench from Tom's face. Butch warns Tom and pounces the fist onto his head then Tom pounces his fist onto Butch's head back. Butch puts Jerry down and puts the empty can on Jerry and puts the brick on top of the can. The two felines fight when Jerry eventually escapes and finds noodles from the Chinese food box, which he eats. The two felines continue to fight until they grab the can so Butch takes the can and looks inside the can until Tom stops him by pointing to say it's his fault, but Butch slaps Tom on his hand and points onto Tom's belly and nose.
As Tom and Butch are about to start fighting again, they hear a burp noise. Jerry is sleeping next to the Chinese food box. The two felines start to go after Jerry, as he eats the last noodle from the Chinese food box. Tom and Butch appear on top of the rubbish. Butch takes the skis and skis down on the pile of rubbish, while Tom takes the Bathtub and slides down on the pile of rubbish. Jerry notices Butch skiing down and he tries to escape but Butch grabs Jerry, then Tom grabs the mouse from Butch while riding on the bathtub until a bump sends it flying and crashing into the hall of rubbish. Butch grabs Jerry again from Tom and eats the mouse until Tom makes Butch spit Jerry out with a hockey stick, which sends Jerry flying and he lands onto the ground. Tom and Butch race each other to catch Jerry, but the mouse runs out of the way, sending Tom and Butch flying and tumbling, then the skis and bathtub land onto their heads. As Jerry runs into the pipe, Tom and Butch appear and are about to catch Jerry. Both cats group and feel Jerry at the same time and grab for him just as the mouse ducks down, leaving the two cats with hands held (though they don't know it).
Both cats think they have Jerry and yank the other cat into the pipe several times. Tom proceeds to pull Butch right through the pipe. Both felines play rock paper scissors. Tom wins, so he puts four tires on Butch and rolls him away. Tom scratches the pile of rubbish when Butch steps on his tail and puts the toaster in his mouth like a dustbin. The toast comes out of Tom's mouth and Butch laughs, while Jerry comes out of the shoe to watch. As Butch continues laughing, he puts his hand on Tom's back, which makes him spit out another toast. Butch continues laughing while lying down until Tom puts the motor into Butch's mouth causing him to move like a car and crash into the rubbish pile.
Tom starts laughing as he spits out another toast from his mouth. Butch uses a magnetic crane to lift Tom up. Tom tries to run away but he reaches the magnet. Butch calls Jerry, which causes the mouse to run away from the shoe. Jerry use the levers to make Butch reach the magnetic. Butch tries to run away but he reaches the magnetic pulse joining Tom. Jerry uses the levers to make the crane turn and lower Tom and Butch through the crusher. Jerry presses the button and releases both of them. While the crusher crushes the broken car into cubes, Tom and Butch try to run away from the crusher but the crusher crushes both of them into cubes. The episode ends with Jerry sitting on top of Tom and Butch Cube while eating his sandwich.
- In one scene, when Butch goes looking for Jerry in the city dump, he says "Oh mousey, where is you??" instead of the grammatically-correct line "Oh mousey, where are you?".
- Like in Trap Happy, Tom and Butch grabbed each other's paws thinking they each got Jerry.
In Other Languages[]
Names, etymology and in other regions | ||
Language | Name | Definition, etymology and notes |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
A Guerra do Ferro Velho | Junk yard War |
Main article: City Dump Chumps/Gallery