Dangerous When Wet is a 1953 American live-action/animated musical comedy film. It includes an animated swimming sequence starring Esther Williams with Tom and Jerry.
The film was based on a story by Dorothy Kingsley. MGM liked the story, bought it and hired Kingsley to develop it into a screenplay. It was originally titled Everybody Swims and was intended as a vehicle for Esther Williams and Debbie Reynolds. In the underwater sequences in which Williams speaks to Tom and Jerry, Joseph Barbera animated pink bubbles coming from her mouth, an effect that cost $50,000.
The film's ending was rewritten after an incident during the filming when Johnny Weissmuller (Esther's former Aquacade partner) dove into the water to swim alongside Florence Chadwick, whom he was coaching.
Tom & Jerry scene[]
In a Tom and Jerry comic called "The Pearl Divers", Tom and Jerry meet Esther Williams and swim to get to her destination to Dover. The sequence is about 8 minutes.