"Say, something is burning around here."
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The Dogcatcher is a character appearing as the main antagonist in the Spike and Tyke cartoon Give and Tyke.
The dogcatcher is serious and persistent when it comes to his job as a dogcatcher. He goes around in in vehicle looking for any stray dogs,which he actively pursues after collarless dogs.
In Give and Tyke were he tries to catch stray dogs or dogs without collars, throughout the episode he tries to catch Spike, Tyke, and a orange dog.
- The dogcatcher is similar to the Police Officer from Tot Watchers.
- He is one of the dogcatchers that are seen occasionally in the classic series, this includes the unseen one in The Bodyguard, a animal regulation one, Little Runaway and a dogcatcher from Much Ado About Mousing.
- Other dogcatchers are also seen in Jerry's Country Cousin, Dog Daze Afternoon and Lightning Bolt-The Super Squirrel-Strikes Again.