Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
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The Dorsal Fish is an angry fish that appeared in The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show episode "Mouse Over Miami".

Character overview[]


The dorsal fish made a minor appearance. It first appeared as a shark dorsal fin under the water with Tom. The shark fin chases Tom out until it turns out to be fish when it jumped out of the water to hopping on the beach.


Initially identified as a shark, the dorsal fish is a yellow fish with a giant dorsal fin attached to it and has sharp teeth.


Not much is known about the fish, but it is shown to be quite angry, feisty, irritable and aggressive, acting as if it was actual shark or piranha.


  • The animation of the the dorsal fish chasing Tom in the water was reused from "The Puppy Sitter", where Tom was chased by an actual shark.

