Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

Eagle is a character who appeared in the 1945 Tom and Jerry short Flirty Birdy.

Character Overview[]


Eagle is a male brown golden eagle with a white ring around his neck, taupe colored hands, yellow beak and feet, and brown tail feathers with a black tip. Eagle is roughly around the same size as Tom.


The hawk, while not particularly mean, is just a predator looking for a meal and tries to eat Jerry. He abandons trying to eat Jerry after falling in love with a Tom disguised as a female eagle which he becomes very eager, horny, concupiscent and opportunistic by the "female eagle" and is easily fooled, and has not realized through the disguse at any point. He has many pleasures of desires for Tom's disguise as a female eagle to trying to kiss him or womanized.


Tom Cat[]

When Tom first meets the Eagle, which he confronts him after stealing his prey, Jerry from him. Tom is considered the eagle's opponent, until he throws down the first time. Tom becomes a nuisance to the eagle by yodeling annoying the eagle. He then throws him out the tree.

After disguising himself as a female eagle, the male eagle is easily fooled to thinking it was a female eagle, by the seductive actions Tom tries awhile with the disguise in order to get Jerry. Which he attempts to kiss Tom.

Jerry Mouse[]

At first, Eagle tries to eat Jerry, but as the cartoon progresses, he abandons his plans to eat Jerry and even thanks him when the mouse hands him a rope that restrains a disguised Tom.


Tom and Jerry[]

Tom and Jerry Tales[]

Season 2[]

In Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers[]

Eagle returns as a challenger and one of the four strongest fighters alongside Spike, Lion and Monster Jerry in Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers. He fights Jerry twice, the normal Jerry and Monster Jerry, the mouse that which is his friend. of course, Defeating Monster Jerry in challenge will actually unlock the beast himself.


  • It's indicated that the Eagle did have a wife once before falling for Tom in his female bird disguise because of the nest of the eggs. Either his previous wife died or left him, leaving him with the eggs.
  • Eagle was in the Tom and Jerry Tales episode, Bend It Like Thomas where he's also a victim of Tom's soccer antics and gets Tom back by dropping him in a bush full of poison oak.
  • An animation goof shows the eagle’s “hands” with occasional claws upon close-up, much like Tom’s, despite being meant to be wings.
  • He being around Tom's size is similar to Cuckoo being around Jerry's size.
  • Despite being an Eagle, he more resembles an hawk.


Main article: Eagle/Gallery
