Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom og Jerry - 2014-09 - Cover

Tom og Jerry #9/2014 - Egmont (Norway) - Sep. 2014


  1. Tom & Jerry - Kattungen Tom (Kittens Tom) - 8 pages
  2. Tom & Jerry - Jungelen (The Jungles) - 12 pages
  3. Tom & Jerry - Stakkars Tom (Poor Tom) - 3 pages
  4. Tom & Jerry - Biltyven (The Car Thief) - 1 page
  5. Tom & Jerry - Golfkrøll (Golf Game Gambol) - 8 pages


  • Tom & Jerry's Summer Fun #2 - Dell July 1955 (5)
  • Tom and Jerry Giant Comic #1 - The Mouse from T.R.A.P. - Gold Key Oct. 1966 (5)
  • Tom & Jerry #7/1983 - Semic (5) Norway
  • Tom & Jerry #12/1991 - Semic (5) Norway