Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

"Grim and Bear It" is the seventeenth episode of The Tom and Jerry Show (1975).


Fledgling forest rangers Tom and Jerry try to protect a mischievous bear cub from danger without invoking his mother's wrath.


Park Ranger tells Tom and Jerry to take care of the Bear Cub to look after while the bear cub walks and the mama bear sleeps in a cave while the bear cubs walks but it pass to the moose is eating while the bear cub plays with the moose. However mama bear sees the ear cub playing the moose but mama bear runs and goes to the bear cub and Grab it but the moose runs away. Park Ranger points up so Tom and Jerry looks up and see the tree and told them mooses don’t climb tree



  • The wife describe to the police.
    • Tom is revealed to be a Caucasian Cat and about 2 feet tall.
    • Jerry is 3/4 inches tall and is unknown ethnic origin.
    • Bear are brown and about 9 feet and the baby bear is about 12 inches.
  • The wife is remains unnamed awhile her husband is named George.
  • George only says "yes dear" throughout the episode, except when his wife offers him the chocolate cake and he says: 'a little piece, dear' and when he takes the cake on his head, he speaks; 'I said, a little piece, dear'.
  • This is the Ranger's second appearance first being Tricky McTrout, and last appearance is in Big Feet.


The Tom and Jerry Show (1975) Episodes
No Way, Stowaways / The Ski Bunny / Stay Awake or Else...No Bones About It / An Ill Wind / Beach BullyMammoth Manhunt / The Wacky World of Sports / Robin Ho HoSafe But Not Sorry / Gopher Broke / The Super BowlerTricky McTrout / The Tennis Menace / Cosmic Cat and Meteor Mouse/ Castle Wiz/ Grim and Bear It/ The Flying SorceressThe Kitten Sitters / Termites Plus Two / Planet PestThe Hypochondriac Lion / Give 'Em the Air / The Egg and Tom and JerryWatch Out, Watch Dog / The Super Cyclists / The Police KittenThe Outfoxed Fox / Towering Fiasco / The Lost DucklingBeanstalk Buddies / Two Stars Are Born / Son of Gopher BrokeThe Sorcerer's Apprentices / Hold That Pose / The Supercape CaperChickenrella / Double Trouble Crow / Jerry's NephewSee Dr. Jackal and Hide / Planet of the Dogs / The Campout CutupTriple Trouble / The Bull Fighters / Cruise KittyIt's No Picnic / Big Feet / The Great Motorboat Race