Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

(Calm music is played at the background. People are flying kites in New York. A rectangular kite with Tom's and Toodles's heads painted cuts other kites. Tom is struggling with the kite. He winks at Toodles, who is reading a book. Tom shows off his agility to a sports music. Suddenly, the kite takes Tom above the ground and slams him. A dramatic music is played when Tom is struggling with the kite. Toodles is watching the scene with amazement. At the same time, Jerry and Tuffy are admiring the sand castle they built. Suddenly, Tom is dragged there by the wind and damages most of the castle.)

Jerry: *burps*

Tuffy: *burps*

(The mice emerge from the sand. Tom is still struggling with the kite to the sound of fiddle.)

Jerry: *whistles*

(Jerry shows Tom the damages he dealt to mice's castle. Tom smiles and demolishes the remaining tower.)

Tuffy: *cries*

(A drone is whirring nearby. Jerry and Tuffy have an idea - they climb the stand where the drone rests and they take it over. Jerry drops Tuffy the remote control first, then he follows with the snatched drone. Meanwhile, Tom is doing his best to impress Toodles by climbing the swings. The cats kiss at their lips. The mice approach the cats. An omnious tune is played and Jerry, getting Tuffy's approval, sets a drone against Tom. The machine grabs the kite and forcibly separates Tom and Toodles. Tom receives battering while flight.)

Tom: YEOW!

(Tom gets hit by multiple obstacles with snacks. He leaves meat and popcorn candy on a single pine and "Jingle Bells" is heard in the background. The kite stops at the crossing, only to have Tom driven over by a taxi.Tom gets dragged by the drone once again. Jerry and Tuffy are having fun from Tom's suffering. Tom gets pounded by playgroun objects, while Toodles is busy reading a book. She turns at Tom and waves him. During resumed flight, Tom swallows a ball with a pillar. The drone drags Tom to a pond, where he disturbs water birds.)

Ducks: *quack together*

Pelican: *quacks* (The mice approach the pond. Tom with a pelican on his head is performing water-skiing. Toodles is applying sunbathing lotion to her arms. Jerry presses a button on the remote, which causes the drone to stop. Tom waves at Toodles, who is reading a book. She stares at Tom for a moment. Tom and pelican on his head fall into the water. Jerry moves the lever on the remote, which drags Tom out of the water. Joyful music plays as Tom is taken high in the skies by the drone.)

Tom: ARRGH! (A passenger plane approaches Tom. The drone takes him away in the last moment before the hit. Closer to the ground, a squirrel is gathering acorns. Tom flies in the tree, which causes the pile to collapse.)

Squirrel: ARRGH! (Tom looks upwards.) *Growls* (The squirrel loads up its mouth with acorns and starts peppering Tom. Dramatic music is playing, as Tom attempts to run away.)

Tom: *shows raspberry to the squirrel high in the skies* (The drone with kite take Tom into the middle of a storm cloud.) *gasps* (A storm erupts. Toodles wraps the picnic paraphernalia up and leaves the park to the tune of fiddle. Jerry and Tuffy keep tormenting Tom with remote control, not caring about bad weather. Suddenly, a lightning bolt damages the remote.)

Jerry and Tuffy: *scream together*

(After two rolls, the drone is disconnected from the kite with a lightning bolt. Tom falls to the ground and his kite changes direction towards the mice.)

Jerry and Tuffy: *scream together* (Tom takes the mice with himself on the kite. They fly back to the storm cloud. Flocks of geese and ducks disturb their flight. Dramatic music plays as they pass through people and objects taken by the storm.)

Horse: *neighs*

(The protagonists fly away from the storm. The squirrel has rebuilt its acorn pile. The protagonists hit the same tree, causing the acorn pile to collapse the second time in this episode.)

Squirrel: *chatters angrily* *whistles* *chatters* (Squirrels living in the tree gather and barrage the protagonists. The mice and Tom hide in the pond's bottom, surrounded by fish. The episode ends.)
