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"I Dream of Meanie" is the forty-fourth episode of Tom and Jerry Tales.





Sultan Tom tries to rid his palace of the peasant Jerry and Spike, as a genie, offers to grant his wishes.


In a palace in an Arabian town, Tom the Cat is laying on a cushion on the bed, eating fruits. A servant serves Tom a cake with a cherry on top, but as Tom is about to poke the cake with a fork, the cake constantly moves and he constantly misses. Eventually, Jerry the Mouse comes out of the cake and the cherry flies upwards, he being revealed as the culprit. As the cherry falls down again, he eats it. Jerry then eats all of the cake. Tom sticks the fork on the ground close to him, then Jerry pulls the fork handle and flicks it at Tom's face.

From the momentum of flinging the fork handle, Jerry flies off and grabs Tom, spins him around, and lands on a pillow. Eventually, Tom spins around uncontrollably that he moves around, hitting poles in the palace, and green curtains get caught up in his spin. Tom eventually stops spinning, the curtains end up being his clothing with a stick around his shoulders, which makes him stuck in a T-pose. Jerry laughs at Tom.

Tom was cross, he chases after Jerry with the stick still around his shoulders, but the stick gets caught up between two poles, which makes him spin, and eventually flings him to crash towards a wall, with Tom turning into a flat circular plate. Jerry then steps on Tom in his plate state and runs away, while Tom starts chasing him again. He eventually finds Jerry on a carpet, which Tom starts rolling forwards, and then kicks the carpet roll to speed up the rolling until the carpet roll catches Jerry and squishes him flat.

As Tom picks up the rolled up carpet, Jerry pops his head out through one end while Tom blows on the other which sends the mouse through the rooms and he hits the glass vase then lands on the floor in front of the yellow lamp earning himself a large bump on his head. Jerry notices the magic lamp behind him, rubs it and touches his bump then a puff cloud magic dust pops out of it revealing Spike the Bulldog Genie much to Jerry's surprise.

Jerry moves back a bit but Spike tells him "Your wish is my command" and he smiles with joy then sees Tom coming to catch him again. So, Jerry gets Spike to take care of Tom and Spike puts his hand out as Tom's head stops while his body runs over the edge and goes back to the position again. The Spike wraps Tom into a ball, magics up a golf, places him on it, gets a golf club and swings Tom out while yelling "Fore!". Tom flies out of the palace and into a market where he bounces on three magic carpets and gets whacked away by the fourth magic carpet.

Tom flies back into the palace, passing Jerry and Spike while getting the magic lamp in his mouth and crashes. When Tom spits out the magic lamp and rubs it Spike goes over to him and bows. Tom snickers and points to a room where one pillow moves. Spike goes over, picks up the pillows, spanks his hand on the floor but nothing is there as Tom joins him and looks up to see Jerry holding then he pulls out all the feathers and dust which made Tom sneeze. Tom then sees Jerry getting away, chases after him, rubs the lamp which transforms into a vaccum lamp and continues gaining on Jerry. Tom sucks up different objects and finally Jerry inside in the lamp which reverted back to normal then Spike the genie rejoins Tom who gestures his work is done now. So Spike returns back into the lamp and inside was a special living room. Spike takes off his genie hat and walks off-screen while Jerry comes out of the rolled up carpets and goes over the table counter where he sees food and helps himself.

As Tom looks through the lamp hole, Jerry takes some cheese with an olive and was about to eat when he sees Tom watching him and throws them into his left eye. Tom shakes himself off and puts his arm through the lamp as Jerry qucikly eats more cheese and dodges his finger claws around the room then his nail touches Spike's genie hat on a small table then the magic pulls Tom into the lamp and in a flash of smoke, Tom becomes a genie hoovering over Jerry and Spike who get flicked out of the lamp as Tom becomes a bigger and bigger genie while coming out of it too.

Spike and Jerry run away from the Giant Tom Genie causing him to keep on growing, break the ceiling and evilly cackles. Spike and Jerry run downtown with Genie Tom flying after and blocks them. Then Spike and Jerry run into the palace through the rooms until Tom pops his head in stopping them from escaping and puts his claws out to grab them. While shaking in fear, Jerry sees the magic lamp, gets an idea and rubs it causing Tom to get pulled in through the opened window and but his head gets stuck in the lamp until Jerry bounces onto it four times and successfully forces him inside at last.

Back in the palace, Tom is now Jerry's genie with Spike as his assistant. Jerry holds out his hand, points to his mouth opened and Tom magicks up three snacks, grapes, cheese and an apple to feed him. Jerry catches three grapes drops into his mouth followed by cheese and an apple whole while still resting as the episode ends.



  • This episode has numerous references to Disney's Aladdin, like Jerry's outfit resembling the title character's.
  • This is the second piece of Tom and Jerry media to parody the 1960s sitcom I Dream of Jeannie. The first one is the Tom & Jerry Kids episode "I Dream of Cheezy".
  • A book titled "Meanie Genie" was released on MyON after the release of the episode, but has a different title.
  • The title shares the same name as Total DramaRama.

In Other Languages[]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
Gênio Genial


Tom and Jerry Tales
Season 1
Tiger Cat | Feeding Time | Polar Peril | Joy Riding Jokers | Cat Got Your Luggage? | City Dump Chumps | Way-Off Broadway | Egg Beats | Cry Uncle | Bats What I Like About the South | Fraidycat Scat | Tomb It May Concern | Din-O-Sores | Freaky Tiki | Prehisterics | Digital Dilemma | Hi, Robot | Tomcat Jetpack | Fire Breathing Tom Cat | Medieval Menace | The Itch | Ho Ho Horrors | Doggone Hill Hog | Northern Light Fish Fight | Cat Nebula | Martian Mice | Spaced Out Cat | Octo Suave | Beach Bully Bingo | Treasure Map Scrap | Destruction Junction | Battle of the Power Tools | Jackhammered Cat | Tin Cat of Tomorrow | Beefcake Tom | Tomcat Superstar | Piranha Be Loved By You | Spook House Mouse | Abracadumb
Season 2
More Powers to You | Catch Me Though You Can't | Power Tom | Zent Out of Shape | I Dream of Meanie | Which Witch | Don't Bring Your Pet to School Day | Cat Show Catastrophe | The Cat Whisperer | Adventures in Penguin Sitting | Cat of Prey | Jungle Love | Invasion of the Body Slammers | Monster Con | Over the River and Boo the Woods | Xtreme Trouble | A Life Less Guarded | Sasquashed | Summer Squashing | League of Cats | Little Big Mouse | Bend It Like Thomas | Endless Bummer | Game Set Match | The Declaration of Independunce | Kitty Hawked | 24 Karat Kat | Hockey Schtick | Snow Brawl | Snow Mouse | DJ Jerry | Kitty Cat Blues | Flamenco Fiasco | You're Lion | Kangadoofus | Monkey Chow | Game of Mouse & Cat | Babysitting Blues | Catfish Follies