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Tom and Jerry Wiki

"Joy Riding Jokers" is the fourth episode of Tom and Jerry Tales, originally airing on September 30th, 2006. It is directed by Douglas McCarthy, written by Charles Schneider and storyboard by James Lopez.


Tom and Jerry are mistaken for bellboys and receive Spike's car keys. The two take a detour on the way to the parking lot, unaware that they have signed up for a wild ride.


The episode begins with Tom chases Jerry around the city until Tom bumps into the mailbox causing him to bent into the shape Jerry goes to the barber shop until Tom chases Jerry into the barbershop so the Baber tells the dog to hold still please while he is cutting the dog fur with a shaver until Tom chases Jerry in the barbershop causing the barber chair to spin around and he shave the Dog look like a poodle dog. Jerry goes up the cloth rack until Tom goes up when Jerry appears on top of cloth rack until Tom sees Jerry so Tom chases Jerry out of the barbershop and Tom chases Jerry into the hotel.

Suddenly the red car passes by When Spike comes out of the red car and open the door and he hold a female cat hand. Then he throws the car keys to the Jerry and they walks into the hotel Tom is about to grab Jerry until Spike told them to park the car so Spike grab them and put them in the car and he tells them to not to touch the red button and he warns them, if they want their tips, all they've got to do bring Spike's car back in one piece and he walks away and bring the female cat to the hotel, he thinking that Tom and Jerry are valets (as they were wearing clothes like one), leaves his fancy car parked, with the intention of the two bringing it back intact. After an involuntary, wild tour involving a shopping mall, a building and a white sewer alligator among a few other things, Tom and Jerry deliver the vehicle back to Spike, who then gives them his tip. No later does Spike turn the key than his magnificent sled breaks up into its component parts. As Jerry is running with the tip with Tom chasing him, Spike yells to them to return the tip back to him.


Main Characters[]

Supporting Characters[]

Minor Characters[]


  • Spike's date, a female cat, may be mistaken as Toodles (despite the fact that she appears briefly in the episode).
  • The scene where Tom and Jerry are dressed like babies is a reference to Tom's baby outfit from Baby Puss.

In Other Languages[]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
Os Manobristas The Valets




Tom and Jerry Tales Tom's Rollercoaster Ride Boomerang UK

Tom and Jerry Tales
Season 1
Tiger Cat | Feeding Time | Polar Peril | Joy Riding Jokers | Cat Got Your Luggage? | City Dump Chumps | Way-Off Broadway | Egg Beats | Cry Uncle | Bats What I Like About the South | Fraidycat Scat | Tomb It May Concern | Din-O-Sores | Freaky Tiki | Prehisterics | Digital Dilemma | Hi, Robot | Tomcat Jetpack | Fire Breathing Tom Cat | Medieval Menace | The Itch | Ho Ho Horrors | Doggone Hill Hog | Northern Light Fish Fight | Cat Nebula | Martian Mice | Spaced Out Cat | Octo Suave | Beach Bully Bingo | Treasure Map Scrap | Destruction Junction | Battle of the Power Tools | Jackhammered Cat | Tin Cat of Tomorrow | Beefcake Tom | Tomcat Superstar | Piranha Be Loved By You | Spook House Mouse | Abracadumb
Season 2
More Powers to You | Catch Me Though You Can't | Power Tom | Zent Out of Shape | I Dream of Meanie | Which Witch | Don't Bring Your Pet to School Day | Cat Show Catastrophe | The Cat Whisperer | Adventures in Penguin Sitting | Cat of Prey | Jungle Love | Invasion of the Body Slammers | Monster Con | Over the River and Boo the Woods | Xtreme Trouble | A Life Less Guarded | Sasquashed | Summer Squashing | League of Cats | Little Big Mouse | Bend It Like Thomas | Endless Bummer | Game Set Match | The Declaration of Independunce | Kitty Hawked | 24 Karat Kat | Hockey Schtick | Snow Brawl | Snow Mouse | DJ Jerry | Kitty Cat Blues | Flamenco Fiasco | You're Lion | Kangadoofus | Monkey Chow | Game of Mouse & Cat | Babysitting Blues | Catfish Follies