(Tom chasing Jerry holding a stolen drumstick, Tom uses the mop bucket to catch up to Jerry, Jerry gets run over by the rug with it throwing the side, with Jerry proceeding, Tom uses the environment and throws a thick book to that successfully blocks the nearby mouse hole. Being cornered Tom, Jerry retreats the Royal Hotel Gate to find out that he's not holding to the drumstick, Tom gets and eats until.
Tom: *chews* (Tom eats drum stick and shows off his satisfied stomach)
Jerry: *stomps his feet in anger*
["The Blind Mice" instrumental plays]
(Jerry sees a toy mouse comes by with the boy controlling it. He moves the toy mouse around the blonde lady)
Lady: GAAHH! (The toy mouse scares the lady handling groceries)
Boy: *laughs* *grunts*
Mom: I told you to get rid of that thing. Give me that! (She's throws it in the sidewalk)
Boy: *cries*
(She takes her son as he cries)
(With the remote left behind, Jerry uses the controller to the toy mouse, he tests it to a nearby ginger cat to chase to run after it to get hit into a street pole, the toy returns to Jerry)
Jerry: *Jerry gives out a delighted expression*.
(Jerry uses this remote controlled mouse by near Tom immediately getting his attention and chases after it, Tom makes Armand and a employee holding suitcases to drop as Tom chase it in circle unaware of Jerry. Jerry control the toy mouse for Tom to knock toilet off the table, this gets the maid mad to get Tom thrice the blows in the head, Tom chases the toy mouse around a ladder where the repairman on as he's painting the walls, with all the chasing the repairman fall down the ladder with paint on his head against the door for the guest to open it, the repairman retaliates by putting a paint on his head as well. Jerry brings food to his mouse hole with toy mouse. With Jerry on the dinner table, Tom spots him until he chases after the toy mouse and searches into Spike's bowl as Spike tells him)
Spike: Hey, you're eating all my food. (Tom continues searching. Spike shows his bare arm) This call for a down home reunion. Your ma is about to meet my paw. (As Tom is punched in the face with multiple blows by Spike)
Jerry: (He gets a bowl of fruit with the toy mouse carrying it, as Jerry controls it)
(As Spike drags Tom in the floor from outside his mouse hole, Jerry wakes up from his slumber and uses the toy mouse for Tom to chase after awhile Jerry snagged a bowl of food for his place. Jerry watches nature documentaries in a phone as he enjoys food, this becomes a routine for him, after this. he becomes overweight as he is obese, because he's eating too much, as he turns on the remote controller to activate the toy mouse once again, Tom chases after it with him distracted Jerry gets out the hole, until he gets tired due to obesity. The lobby cat collides into the wall to see the toy mouse)
Jerry: *pants*
(Tom chases after it with him distracted Jerry gets out the hole, until he gets tired due to obesity. The toy mouse and lobby cat both run into the wall, the remote control toy mouse batteries get out and falls inside the vent, Tom sees its not working, he then sees an obese Jerry, the cat goes to Jerry and kicks him like a hippie bean bag to kicking him out the door, Jerry is fringed to the window in the top of building. Tom opens the window Jerry is headed and plays around like he was playing pong, this stops when Jerry's obesity landing on the chair flings Tom to Spike's head.)
(Jerry catches a ride on a person's carriage, and goes to the toy mouse to the mouse hole nearby where Spike is beating up Tom, Jerry gives new batteries for the toy mouse, Jerry controls again with it going back that shakes the front that milk spill into the toy mouse, it malfunctions and turns on Jerry with the controller no longer in control with the toy mouse become sentient, the toy mouse chases after Jerry around the room, Tom lays in the sofa after his injuries from Spike, Jerry goes inside of Tom's mouth. The toy mouse patrols as Jerry peak out of Tom's mouth it goes inside the cat after Jerry as it forces Tom to move around inside of it, it goes inside of Spike's mouth and it drags him around, to up the stair with Spike resisting spits Tom along with Tom spit out both Jerry and the toy mouse, all three where launched into the treadmill in the gym)
(The exercising from running from the toy mouse plus jumping over Tom, Jerry loses weight and becomes his normal shape, Jerry jumps on the power outlet that stops the treadmill and launches all of them out the gym, regaining concourse both Jerry and Tom run away from the toy mouse, Jerry hitches a ride on Tom, Jerry uses a red blanket to play bull with the toy mouse charging pass them, with Jerry riding on Tom, he runs out the hotel, the chase stops when the toy mouse collides with a robot cat, the remote controlled robot cat chases the toy mouse as the boy (from earlier controls it). As Tom and Jerry both watched, Jerry kicks Tom to get him to chase him to chase after him.)