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Monster Con is the second segment of the 18th episode of Season 2 of Tom and Jerry Tales, which originally premiered on October 27th, 2007. It is the fifty-third episode overall in the series.


Tom uses some of Abraham Van Helsing's equipment to catch Jerry, but catches a few ghosts instead.


In Transylvania, Van Helsing and Tom arrive at the Monster Convention to hunt down monsters. Shortly after coming in, Tom meets Jerry, causing the former to get distracted while setting Van Helsing's trunk of weapons down. He uses one of Van Helsing's weapons to try to capture Jerry, but fails. Along the way while Tom chases Jerry, Jerry meets a werewolf, who saves him from Tom's attack, and befriends him.

Meanwhile, Tom uses a ghost vacuum from Van Helsing's trunk and tries to find Jerry so he could capture him. As he looks for Jerry, he finds plenty of ghosts, who are playing games together. He vacuums them all and focuses back on his search for Jerry. Suddenly, he finds Jerry inside of a rook chess piece, but Jerry escapes and flees from Tom.

As the chase continues, Jerry runs into the werewolf's doghouse for safety. Tom enters the doghouse to find Jerry, but Jerry escapes again without Tom knowing and tells the werewolf that Tom is lurking inside his doghouse. The werewolf finds Tom digging through his doghouse and bites him. Tom chases Jerry once more until finally he captures Jerry. However, due to the werewolf attack, Tom transforms into a werecat.

Shortly after, Van Helsing arrives and finds the Tom transformed. Turning on him, he tries to capture Tom, but Tom makes an attempt to flee from Van Helsing by driving the Frankenstein's car. As the episode ends, Jerry and the werewolf watch Tom driving away while Van Helsing is latched onto the back of the car, chasing after him.





  • This is the last episode that features Mark Oliver because he voiced Van Helsing and the Frankenstein.
  • This episode has strong references to the Scooby-Doo series.
  • This is the only episode that has a transformation involved.
  • The episode, alongside Invasion of the Body Slammers and Over the River and Boo the Woods, was released 4 days before Halloween.
  • Jasper the Social Ghost is a parody of Casper the Friendly Ghost.
    • "Jasper" was Tom's original name in the first Tom and Jerry cartoon, Puss Gets the Boot in 1940.
      • "Jasper" is also currently officially Tom's middle name as well.
  • The location of Monster Con resembles the Dark Castle from Switchin' Kitten.
  • This version of Van Helsing dresses similar to the one in the 2004 action horror film, Van Helsing starring Hugh Jackman as the titular character himself.
  • This episode shares its title with an episode of The Life and Times of Juniper Lee.


  • When Van Helsing's trunk of weapons collapses on Tom after grabbing it from Van Helsing's stagecoach, the back of the trunk was facing forward. However, when Tom unlocks the trunk of weapons, the front of the trunk is facing forward.
    • Van Helsing's stagecoach disappears in the same scene.
  • When Van Helsing captures the Hunchback Bell Boy, the items on the front desk disappear; they reappear when Tom enters the convention.
  • When Tom is knocked out by the skeleton bones, there are four bones laying on the floor; when Jerry laughs at Tom, there are three bones and have shrunken as well.
  • When Tom shoots a few more wooden steaks to try to get Jerry, the first wooden steak that was shot at his mousehole, it disappears; it reappears when Tom shoots the last steak.
    • Tom shoots only five wooden steaks. But when Jerry flees from Tom, there are seven wooden steaks shot. It is possible that Tom shot more wooden steaks off-screen.
      • The positions of the wooden steaks change as well as an eighth steak appears when Jerry runs upstairs.
  • When Jasper the Social Ghost greets Tom, the trunk of weapons disappears; it reappears by the front door when Tom is chasing Jerry to the front yard.
  • It is unclear how Tom was able to vacuum Jasper's suitcase.
  • In the shot after all the ghosts playing games together are seen scolding Tom, one of the ghosts disappears.
    • Some of the ghosts change positions in the same shot.
  • A deck of cards disappears when Tom vacuums all the ghosts; it reappears when Tom starts looking for Jerry again.
  • Some of the chest pieces disappear after Tom vacuums up the ghosts.
  • When Jerry moves in the rook chess piece for the second time, some of the chess pieces have moved.

In Other Languages[]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
Japanese モンスター大集合 Large set of monsters
German Der Katzenwerwolf The cat werewolf
French La convention des monstres The monsters convention
Italian Convegno mostri Monsters conference
(Latin America)
La convención de los monstruos The Monster Convention
Convenção de Monstros Monster Convention


Main article: Monster Con/Gallery


Tom and Jerry Tales
Season 1
Tiger Cat | Feeding Time | Polar Peril | Joy Riding Jokers | Cat Got Your Luggage? | City Dump Chumps | Way-Off Broadway | Egg Beats | Cry Uncle | Bats What I Like About the South | Fraidycat Scat | Tomb It May Concern | Din-O-Sores | Freaky Tiki | Prehisterics | Digital Dilemma | Hi, Robot | Tomcat Jetpack | Fire Breathing Tom Cat | Medieval Menace | The Itch | Ho Ho Horrors | Doggone Hill Hog | Northern Light Fish Fight | Cat Nebula | Martian Mice | Spaced Out Cat | Octo Suave | Beach Bully Bingo | Treasure Map Scrap | Destruction Junction | Battle of the Power Tools | Jackhammered Cat | Tin Cat of Tomorrow | Beefcake Tom | Tomcat Superstar | Piranha Be Loved By You | Spook House Mouse | Abracadumb
Season 2
More Powers to You | Catch Me Though You Can't | Power Tom | Zent Out of Shape | I Dream of Meanie | Which Witch | Don't Bring Your Pet to School Day | Cat Show Catastrophe | The Cat Whisperer | Adventures in Penguin Sitting | Cat of Prey | Jungle Love | Invasion of the Body Slammers | Monster Con | Over the River and Boo the Woods | Xtreme Trouble | A Life Less Guarded | Sasquashed | Summer Squashing | League of Cats | Little Big Mouse | Bend It Like Thomas | Endless Bummer | Game Set Match | The Declaration of Independunce | Kitty Hawked | 24 Karat Kat | Hockey Schtick | Snow Brawl | Snow Mouse | DJ Jerry | Kitty Cat Blues | Flamenco Fiasco | You're Lion | Kangadoofus | Monkey Chow | Game of Mouse & Cat | Babysitting Blues | Catfish Follies