(The episode begins in a zoo. People are gathering around Tom.)
People: Aww!
(Tom is grinning to the audience and shows them pretty eyelashes. They throw him snacks. A red bird appears and starts to eat crumbs. Tom kicks it.)
Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the baby panda is about to make her debut.
(People are clamoring and rush to the area with the Giant pandas. Upset Tom follows them up. A female panda in the separated area shows her cub.)
People: Aww!
Man: So cute! (Children music is played in the background, as the panda cub is walking around its mother. The latter puts her offspring on the ground, then the cub rushes around the area. Tom retreats from the crowd and attempts to sneak past. Two men stop him and hurl back. Tom crashes at the garbage can.)
Jerry: *Laughing* (Jerry gets hit with an ice-cream cone. Jerry eats it with taste. The panda cub is playing.)
Mother Panda: *Yawns*
Announcer: Looks like the mama panda needs a nap, and who can blame her?
Tom's Shoulder Devil: Hey, while the mom sleeps, why don't you hop in there and grab some attention as the baby's playmate?
Tom's Shoulder Angel: He's got a point. I don't see a downside.
(Tom shows a nasty smile. Meanwhile, the panda cub is running around the place. Tom grabs it.)
Man: Look! That cat's playing babysitter. What a good sport. (Tom bows his head down while holding the baby panda.)
Woman: Look at that! Adorable! (Tom is kissing the panda cub. Jerry is watching the scene with suspicion, while Tom is feeding the panda cub from a milk bottle.)
Woman 2: Aww! (The panda cub hides behind Tom and wants to play with him. Tom bends himself, so the cub can slide to the ground.)
People: Yay! Whoo-hoo! Hooray!
(The panda cub walks away and climbs the bamboo, while Tom is showing off to the audience.)
Woman: *Gasps* The baby panda is getting away! (Jerry and Tom notice the incident.)
Tom: *Screams*
Announcer: We're going to have to close the panda exhibit if we can't find that baby... And fast!
People: Boo! Boo! Boo! (People are showing clenched fists at the loudspeaker. Tom moves forward and runs to catch the panda cub. The bamboo bends and ejects Tom to the ostrich exhibit. One of the birds kicks Tom away from their area. Tom slams, breaks a branch and lands in an exhibit full of male lions.)
Lions: *Growl*
(Tom tries to smile. Jerry sits inside an abandoned pop-corn bag. Tom crashes at the garbage container nearby. While remaining semi-conscious, Tom sees that Jerry looks like panda, then he develops an idea. The scene returns to the panda exhibit, where Tom puts Jerry painted to resemble the panda cub to the ground. Jerry looks at Tom - the cat shows a gesture to move on. Jerry strikes a clumsy pose.)
People: *Applauding*
Tom: *Shows approving gesture to Jerry*
People: *Applauding*
(While Jerry is performing break-dance, Tom leaves the exhibit and heads to search for the real panda cub. Dramatic music is heard in the background. Tom spots the missing panda in the zebra exhibit. Tom clumsily falls in and gets ejected outside. The baby panda walks past Tom. The cat wakes up and sees the panda cub riding a macaw to Richard Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries". After being chased in two circles, the macaw turns against Tom.)
Tom: *Screams*
Macaw: *Screeches*
Tom: *Laughs at the macaw* *shows the macaw the tong* (Tom looks at the ground and notices he is standing in the air.) *Screams* (Tom tries to fly, but falls on an alligator.)
Alligator: *Growls*
Tom: *Screams*
Macaw: *Laughs*
(A bird opens the alligator's jaw. The reptile points at Tom running on the water surface.)
Bird: *Whistles* (A second alligator emerges on Tom's path and opens its jaws. Tom gets caught between two alligators outflanking him.)
Tom: *Screams* (Tom leaps high, so the alligators crash. He lands on what appears to be a stone, but turns out a third alligator. The reptile snaps Tom, but after a brief struggle, it spits the cat high in the skies. Tom lands on the baboon exhibit, causing a pillar with a baboon house to crash. The entire baboon settlement collapses. Tom emerges from the rubble.)
Baboons: *Growl*
(The scenery changes back to the panda exhibit. Jerry is juggling and moving on ball at the same time, while the adult female panda keeps sleeping.The real baby panda returns and this causes Jerry to collapse. The female panda wakes up and sees two of her offspring, so she shuts eyes back. Then she awakens for sure and grabs both alleged kids. She sniffs her real child, then she sniffs Jerry and licks him. The paint goes off Jerry to reveal his brown fur.)
Female Panda: *Growls at Jerry*
(Jerry runs away. At the same time, Tom passes through the wall and hits the ground. The two animals fall on each other at a zoo lane. A mango falls on them, hurled by an angry baboons mob.)
Tom and Jerry: *Scream together*
(Both animals run away, being chased by the baboons. One of them hurls a mango at the audience and the episode ends.)