Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Ediotrial Novaro - Tom Y Jerry 128 - Cover

Tom Y Jerry #128 - Editorial Novaro (Mexico) - Feb 1 1960

Mexican comics publisher Editorial Novaro, published Spanish language reprints of US comics as well as original content at times.


  1. Los Dos Mosqueseros - El Gato Pusilánime (Cowardly Cat) - 6 pages
  2. Los Dos Mosqueseros - Excavación Forzada (Forced Excavation) - 7 pages
  3. Barney Bear - Bocado Invernal (Winter Snack) - 6 pages - feat. Screwy Squirrel
  4. Bertie Bird - Hallazgo Inesperado (Unexpected Finding) - 5 pages
  5. Spike and Tyke - Bocadillos Bolas de Nieve (Snowball Snacks) - 1 page
  6. Barney Bear - Pesca En El Hielo (Ice Fishing) - 7 pages



  • Barney Bear/Screwy Squirrel and Bertie Bird stories reprinted from Tom & Jerry Winter Fun #7 Dell 1958

