Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Editorial Novaro - Tom Y Jerry 2-818 - Cover

Tom Y Jerry #2-818 - Serie Aguila - Editorial Novaro (Mexico) - Feb 22, 1984

Mexican comics publisher Editorial Novaro, published Spanish language reprints of US comics as well as original content at times.


  • Tom & Jerry - Dinero Falso (Fake Money) - 7 pages
  • Wuff The Prairie Dog - Zorro Cazado (Hunted Fox) - 2 pages
  • Droopy - Granjero Moderno (Modern Farmer) - 1 page
  • Tom & Jerry - Golfistas Estrellas (Star Golfers) - 5 pages
  • Spike & Tyke - Treta Vieja Buena Treta (Good Old Ruse Good Ruse) - 1 page
  • Barney Bear - Empleo Fácil Y Productivo (Easy And Productive Use) - 6 pages
  • Droopy - (Shocked Ears) - 1 page
  • Flip & Dip - Acampando En La Selva (Camping In The Jungle) - 5 pages

