Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Our Gang with Tom and Jerry -48

Our Gang with Tom and Jerry 048 - Dell (Western Publishing) - July 1948.


  1. Happy [Bubble Bath] - 1 page
  2. Tom and Jerry [Tom's Birthday Party] - 10 pages
  3. Adventures of Tom [Doctor's Visit] - 6 pages
  4. The Adventures of Jerry - 4 pages
  5. Flip 'n Dip [The Book] - 6 pages
  6. Wuff, The Prairie Dog [An Unpleasant Surprise] - 6 pages
  7. Barney Bear and Benny Burro [The Flower Show] - 8 pages
  8. Our Gang [The Treasure Island Treasure Map, pt. 3] - 8 pages
  9. Happy [Repairing a Chair]- 1 page
  10. Our Gang with Tom & Jerry Special Subscription Offer - 1 page


  • Happy Hound (1, 9)
  • Tom (2, 3)
  • Jerry (2, 4)
  • Tuffy (2, 4)
  • Toots (3)
  • Bob Cat (cameo) (3)
  • Flip; Dip; Pa; Ma (5
  • Wuff; Sammy Squirrel; Charlie Coyote (6)
  • Barney Bear; Benny Burro; Mooseface McElk (7)
  • Our Gang [Egghead; Red; Two-by-Two]; Mr. Saturn; Mr. Sparks; Happy Slade; Chuck (8)