Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

The Peg-Leg Captain is a civilian fleet skipper, who appears in Gene Deitch-era Tom and Jerry in Dicky Moe.


He is a fat sailor with red-light eyes, gray hair, pale gray skin, and a big nose. He wears merchant navy captain's uniform composed of a black jacket with dull gray buttons in two rows, same colored insignia on sleeves, matching pants, and what appears to be an officer visor cap. He wears only one boot due to a missing leg.


He is very stern towards anyone, being obsessed with the sea mammal he has been harboring a huge grudge against - a giant white whale called Dicky Moe that had frightened his previous crew and caused them to go overboard and run away.

He shanghaied Tom earlier in the episode and now forces him to work on his ship, while he remains busy trying to search for Dicky Moe. He does shares some of the personality and character traits as the Tom's owner, right down to their respective plump statures, violent tempers and abusive nature, especially toward to animals, especially to cats like Tom.


