Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

[Jazz instrumental music in distance]

(The episode starts with people going to a night club to the camera going to the back alley where an another night club was going on. Cats (including Dollface, Lightning, Edna, etc.) Spike appears a bouncer. Awhile Tom and Jerry work as waiters as they do there doing there job they watch the show, Tom sits on Edna.)

Male Annoucer: Hey, all you cool cats, it's show time. Put your paws together for the little kitty with the big voice... Toots!

[all applauding]

Toodles: [Singing]:

♪ He's a scamp

But he sets your a flutter

Makes you feel like You're the breat And he's the butter

It won't be long

Before he leaves you for another

That cat is gonna wander

He's a scamp

(there employer, Butch comes to them to see them slacking, they then noticed)

Tom: *shriek*

(Tom and Jerry went back to work)

You wanna believe

That you're the one exception

But listen to me, baby

That's self-deception

Let me relieve you

Of any misconception

That cat is gonna wonder

He's a scamp

He's a good kitty

He's a bad kitty

He's a bowl full of your favorite treats

He's that itch

You gotta scratch

That ball of wool

You gotta scratch

That ball of wool

You gotta chase

So irresistible

But I repeat

He's a scamp

Oh, to him it's all a game

He's a player

But we love him

All the same

That feline Casanova...

Tom: *shrieks*

Is a scamp

Tom: *plays the flute*

(Tom plays the flute to impress Toodles, the flute playing Hypnotizes Jerry, the mouse walks off the table that causes the sheet of plates falling in the floor, Jerry proceeds but when the flute plays again, he then get Hypnotized, confused where's he at, he sees that he is Hypnotized is from the flute Tom plays, He quickly grabs quick breads in his head attached to a utensils. Tom continues playing the flute, Jerry proceeds until

Jerry: *shriek*

(Jerry sees an army of Hypnotized of the other mice (That all share Jerry's model) attracted by the music. Toodles becomes annoyed, as Tom's proceeds to what is he doing, the mice go everywhere to making messes in tables, or inside of a piano. A army of mice continue going inside the night club pass Spike and Butch, eventually the hoard of mice are at kitchen where Meathead tries to put them inside a pot, but the mice walk on the switch buttons to the grill that catches on fire, is gets so serve that the building starting burning from inside, All the cat guest and musicians all ran out the building, pass Butch and Spike. Tom still oblivious of the fire, Jerry throws a piece of bread at Tom to get aware that the building is on fire)

Tom: *shrieks*

(Tom shocks by the fire, when he stopped the mice regain conscious and retreat, Tom himself escapes out the building last. As everyone out, with Jerry, Toodles, Butch and Spike waiting outside seeing Tom coming out the burning building. Toodles approach Tom as he shrugs gaily, she slaps him in the face and leaves the place to a taxi with Jerry, leaving Tom shrugging, the episode ends.)
