"Piranha Be Loved By You" (also spelled as "Piranha Be Loved (By You)" and simply as "Piranha Be Loved" on one DVD release), is the thirty-seventh episode of Tom and Jerry Tales. It is directed by Tim Maltby, written by Meredith Jennings-Offen and storyboarded by Lyndon Ruddy.
At an amusement park, a piranha makes Tom's attempts to win Toodles' affections difficult.
Tom and Jerry are first seen at an amusement park, sharing some cotton candy. A few seconds later, Tom notices Toodles Galore walking up and is instantly smitten. Toodles is not interested in Tom at first, but that changes when Tom retrieves her hat after a gust of wind blows it away. The two then leave to get some popcorn from a vendor. Tom initially orders a small container of popcorn, but Toodles is disappointed in his choice, so he swaps it for a much larger container, much to her delight. However, Jerry makes his way towards Tom and angrily smacks him on the head. Jerry then motions to his mouth asking for popcorn, but Tom flicks him into the popcorn machine.
Tom and Toodles are then seen relaxing on a park bench munching on popcorn while two men are catching fish nearby. Jerry is upset about not getting any popcorn; suddenly a piranha caught by the fishermen flops onto the dock. It then proceeds to chase Jerry into a ball-toss game stall, where it lands in an empty fishbowl. It shows its teeth at Jerry, frightening him.
The scene then switches back to Tom, who starts kissing Toodles on the hand. They soon notice two park vistors passing by with a fishbowl that has a goldfish inside it. They soon head over to the ball-toss game with the intent of winning a goldfish for Toodles. Tom starts the game, but misses his first two throws, much to Toodles' disappointment. Feeling a little nervous, he throws the ball before ducking under the stall, only for it to land in the fishbowl containing the piranha! They receive the fishbowl as their prize, much to Toodles' delight.
Night soon falls, and Tom begins to prepare a romantic dinner between himself and Toodles, with the piranha as their meal. Tom removes the piranha from the bowl and places it on Toodles' plate, but it attacks him, biting him on the hand and destroying the table. He tries to make it up to her with a bottle of apple juice, but when the cork is removed, it sprays all over Toodles, causing her to angrily smack Tom over the head with her purse. As she walks away, Jerry is seen laughing at Tom's pain, only for him to fall off into the water.
Tom and Toodles then find several cardboard setups with the faces cut out, so they pose for some photos. However, the piranha returns and attacks Tom again. Jerry laughs at the photos, but is then chased by the piranha himself. The chase extends to a shooting gallery game, and Tom and Toodles also show up. Tom grabs the water gun and begins shooting not only at the targets, but at Jerry and the piranha as well. He is then rewarded with a large stuffed animal for his performance in the game, which he gives to Toodles.
Tom begins kissing Toodles again, only for the piranha (which is still chasing Jerry) to bite him on the foot, causing him to go flying and land on a dunk tank. Jerry climbs onto the stall to escape the piranha, and notices Tom. He throws a ball at the target, knocking Tom into the tank. The piranha also jumps in and commences another attack on Tom, this time munching off most of his fur. He manages to escape, but becomes embarrassed upon noticing most of his fur is gone, much to Toodles' annoyance.
Jerry then runs behind a helium tank, and notices three balloons nearby. He ties them to the piranha's tail, causing it to rise into the air. Jerry then starts throwing darts at it, popping the balloons and causing it to land right into an ice cream cone Tom and Toodles were sharing, biting Tom on the head while Toodles look on with disapproval. The two then board a tunnel of love ride only for Tom to once again be attacked by the piranha. Finally, Tom and Toodles decide to ride the Ferris wheel, but unbeknownst to them, the piranha is on its way. Jerry notices this and stops the ride once the piranha gets on board. Tom is then attacked by the piranha for the final time, once again tearing away most of his fur while Jerry laughs at his pain. Jerry then starts the ride again, and Tom and Toodles return to ground level. Tom tries to offer Toodles a kiss, but she smacks him with her purse before leaving. Jerry wolf-whistles at her, only to be smacked by Toodles' purse as well. Tom and Jerry then settle their differences and decide to eat some cotton candy as the episode ends.
- Tom Cat
- Jerry Mouse
- Toodles Galore
- Piranha (main antagonist)
- In the title card, the piranha is colored dark green. But in the actual episode, the piranha is colored light olive-green.
- At the end of the episode, Tom meows like a real cat.
- This marks the first time Tom is heard making actual cat noises since the theatrical short Sufferin' Cats!
- The title of this episode is a reference to the song "I Wanna Be Loved By You" by Helen Kane.
In Other Languages[]
Names, etymology and in other regions | ||
Language | Name | Definition, etymology and notes |
Japanese | デートも楽じゃない | Dating is not easy |
Traditional Chinese | 食人魚 | Piranha |
German | Tom und der bissige Fisch | Tom and the snappy fish |
Polish | Ukochana pirania | Beloved piranha |
French | Le chat et les piranhas | The cat and the piranhas |
Italian | Il piranha dell'amore | The piranha of love |
Spanish (Latin America) |
La piraña será amada | The piranha will be loved |
Portuguese (Brazil) |
O Apeixonado | the sweetheart |
Main article: Piranha Be Loved By You/Gallery