Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

(Tom chases after Jerry who has his paws on an ice cream, with them passing by Armand telling Tom)

Armand: Get that filthy mouse, Tom.

(Jerry goes under the couch that makes him loses the two other scopes and finds hair in his cone)

Tom: [laughs]

(Jerry replies by throwing the cone at Tom's face with Jerry laughing now.)

Jerry: [laughs]


(The chase resumes, Tom finds two suitcases and uses them as skates to get to Jerry. He outruns and gets in front of Jerry, but is launched by a row of chairs that act as a ramp to hit the vent tunnels to falling a chest with a stack of books landing on him, with chest closing and the suitcases landing on the chest.

Molly: What should I do with this trunk? There is no name on the label.

Armand: Put it in lost and found.

(Molly does as order and puts the chest in the closet)

[solemn instrumental music playing]

(After some time inside the chest, he finally gets out and sees "the sign is changed with the "20 year high school reunion" when the sign before said it was "10 year high school reunion". Tom looks around, couldn't put his finger to it, he walks around the lobby to the hotel is themed with cheese, as he in the futuristic environment, a tall hotel manager appears, when Tom turns he sees the head of a mouse who looks just like Jerry in a human body that resembles Armand except with a head of a mouse, Tom is handled by an angry manger that is suppose to be the Human sized mouse version of Armand that appears behind Tom)

Tom: AHH-

Armand as the Human sized Mouse:*snaps* Jerry is this a cat? Well, get him out of here before any of the guests see him.

(The Human sized Jerry throws Tom out the hotel)

[dramatic music playing]

(Tom sees that he is now in the future with flying cars, Tom then noticed that the city is now an anti-cat place. Meathead being chased by a Human-sized mouse to a couple of cats are being taken in cat catcher truck, Tom runs to an officer and see that the cops were Human sized mice too.)

Tom: [yell]

(Tom runs to an alley to hide to find Butch as an old age cat)

Butch: Tom, is that you? It's me, your old buddy, Butch. I haven't seen you in ten years. Well, you haven't aged a day. Boy, I wish I could say the same! Oh, you noticed the mice, didn't you? Oh, you noticed the mice, didn't you?

Tom: *shakes his head vertical*

Butch: Yeah. A lot of things have changed. Here's what happened while you were asleep. Humans ran some experiments on mice. They made them super intelligent beings. Mice became big and strong. In fact, the mice became so powerful that humans fled and mice took over the earth. Now they are in control of everything.

Tom: (Tom couldn't believe that news)

Butch: I know, old buddy, but there's nothing we can do. The mice won and we get the scraps.

Tom: *shakes his head indicating that he refuse without a fight*

[instrumental music plays as Tom marches back into the hotel]

(Tom walks by many human sized mice, he then gets food from a table. A female Human sized Mouse version of Mrs. Vandarkashian, her head looks just like Tuffy)

Mrs. Vandarkashian as a Human sized Mouse: [yells] Take that. And that. And that.

Armand as the Human sized Mouse: I'm so sorry, Madam. I'll make sure this cat never bothers you again. Jerry, didn't I tell you to get rid of this filthy cat?

(Human sized Jerry then throws out Tom out of the hotel again)

Butch: It's no use, Tom. Those mice are strong. Here, have this pizza. It's hardly been chewed.

Tom: (He refuses the offer the proceeds to go back inside the hotel)

Butch: Okay, your loss.

[jazz music playing]

(Tom sneaks inside, in the diner room. He gets as many fish he finds in the table, until he is spotted by the Human sized Jerry. Tom throws the plate of fish on Human sized Jerry's face, he chases him to the end of the table until they fence with fish, which Tom slams on Human sized Jerry. Tom jumps on the Human sized mouse drummer's drum set. The jazz music becomes more lively)

[lively jazz music playing]

(The musicians play faster, the guest start dancing. Tom then jumps on a Human sized mouse trumpeter and snatches the trumpet from the musician, Tom plays the trumpet. Human sized Jerry then gets the fish off his head and joins the chase with trumpeter around the violin player. Awhile they going around the violin player eventually Tom leaves the chase. They all freezes for Tom blows the trumpet and runs away, Human sized Jerry then chases after him. Tom pass by the mouse repairman and grabs the grinder to cut himself a cat-sized mouse hole. Human sized Jerry gets stuck in Tom's mouse hole, because he's too big. Tom dances on his head. Afterwards the Human sized Jerry sets up traps for Tom with mouse traps (or cat traps) with fish on them. Tom uses fish rod to get all the fish from the mousetraps, Tom places all the big mouse trap on a seesaw platform, he uses cheese to lures Human sized Jerry to trigger the trap, he wakes up and is suddenly covered with mouse traps. After Tom eaten all the fish, Human sized Jerry uses a laser-pointer net rifle to lure him and catch him, instead of getting Tom, he catches the guests, Spike as a maid, and all the other Human sized mice people and even himself. Failing to catch Tom the Human sized Mouse Version of Armand tells Human sized Jerry)

Armand as the Human sized Mouse: Jerry, If you can't catch that cat, I will.

Human sized Mouse Guests: No! We will!

(The Human sized mouse guests all chase after Tom. Butch and the other cats look outside doors of the hotel. Butch decided it's was time they rebel.)

Butch: It's time for us to do the same.

(The other cats agree. They all enter the hotel that scares all the guest out the hotel.)

Human sized Mouse Guests: [all shouting]

(Everyone run out the hotel)

Health Inspector as the Human sized Mouse: Are you Jerry? I'm the health inspector.

Human sized Mouse Guests: [all shouting]

(The rest of the guest and Armand as the Human sized Mouse)

Health Inspector as the Human sized Mouse: Good grief! This place is infested with cats.

(The hotel is closed because of a infested)

Butch: Did you hear that, Tom? We won!

(To celebrate they all lift up Tom to him hits the sign)

[captivating violin music playing]

(Tom wakes up from his dream, he gets out of crate he was in and exit out the closet to sees the place is back to normal, Tom then expresses that he misses the place by hugging the human Molly and kissing the human Armand in the forehead, leaving him puzzled as he looks at the screen.)

[The episode ends]
