Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

"Safe But Not Sorry" is the tenth episode of The Tom and Jerry Show (1975).


Tom and Jerry are hired to deliver the heavy safe to a house at the top of a steep hill (à la The Music Box) but sabotaging their efforts is a mischievous puppy who lives in the house.


At 3400 Hilly Street, deliverymen Tom and Jerry make several backbreaking attempts to shove a heavy safe up to a house on a steep hill with disastrous results. Time after time, the safe rolls part of the way and then running down hill in front of them as it rolls backwards (many times destroying their truck!) and hindering their every move is a mischievous yapping puppy dog. Finally, after making use of a rocket with wings, a giant balloon, a cannon, a seesaw, and a mailman, all with no success, they tie one end of a rope to the house and the other to the safe and they pull it up, but when that yapping pup frightens them away, the safe rolls down yet again, dragging the house, puppy and all down behind it. With the safe finally delivered, and the house gone, Tom and Jerry's worries are over.


Trivia & Notes[]

  • Antics seen here in "Safe But Not Sorry" are inspired by similar capers in the Oscar-winning 1932 MGM Laurel & Hardy film The Music Box, in which the comedy duo hauled a player piano up a monumental flight of stairs to Prof. von Schwarzenhoffen (Billy Gilbert)'s house with equally calamitous consequences.
  • The gag of the ground caving in under T&J was previously employed for Tom's disastrous barbell lifting scene in Episode #80-08, "The Wacky World of Sports," which in turn was adapted into the show's opening titles.
  • The episode has notably has some different music and sounds that instead of the usual show’s sounds and music.
  • Despite being destroyed twice, the delivery truck seems to miraculously reassemble, fully intact! Maybe Tom and Jerry work as do-it-yourself mechanics in their spare time?
  • Tom was also seen being fired out of a cannon in #80-01, "Stay Awake or Else...".


Main Article: Safe But Not Sorry/Gallery

Original Animation:[]

The Tom and Jerry Show (1975) Episodes
No Way, Stowaways / The Ski Bunny / Stay Awake or Else...No Bones About It / An Ill Wind / Beach BullyMammoth Manhunt / The Wacky World of Sports / Robin Ho HoSafe But Not Sorry / Gopher Broke / The Super BowlerTricky McTrout / The Tennis Menace / Cosmic Cat and Meteor Mouse/ Castle Wiz/ Grim and Bear It/ The Flying SorceressThe Kitten Sitters / Termites Plus Two / Planet PestThe Hypochondriac Lion / Give 'Em the Air / The Egg and Tom and JerryWatch Out, Watch Dog / The Super Cyclists / The Police KittenThe Outfoxed Fox / Towering Fiasco / The Lost DucklingBeanstalk Buddies / Two Stars Are Born / Son of Gopher BrokeThe Sorcerer's Apprentices / Hold That Pose / The Supercape CaperChickenrella / Double Trouble Crow / Jerry's NephewSee Dr. Jackal and Hide / Planet of the Dogs / The Campout CutupTriple Trouble / The Bull Fighters / Cruise KittyIt's No Picnic / Big Feet / The Great Motorboat Race