"Scared Bear" is the fourteenth episode of The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show written by Coslough Johnson. The episode first aired in October 4, 1980.
Droopy and Barney Bear explore an old house looking for treasure. Slick Wolf decides to scare them off by disguising himself as a ghost.
Droopy and Barney are following the map to a hidden treasure. (Barney doesn't let obstacles such as a tree or deep puddle stop him as he counts the steps. Says Droopy: “He's not very bright...but he is a good counter!“)
Slick Wolf watches them enter the house the treasure is in, and devises his haunting scheme, (“...so the treasure will be mine; ALL MINE!”)
He first disguises as a skeleton, and tries to scare the sleeping Barney, but he is slow to recognize him, thinking it's just someone malnourished. He wakes fully up, realizing, and tells Droopy who doesn't believe him, and now aims to prove there are no such things as ghosts, by looking inside all the places in the house where ghosts would hide. (A closet, a bookcase and the fireplace). Slick disguises as a knight, and then as a ghost. Barney always sees the haunt, which is behind Droopy's back. The terrified Barney will for the rest of the episode repeatedly utter nothing but “Gh- gh- gh-...!” and while Droopy knows ghosts are what he is afraid of, he still tries to figure out the cause or meaning of his truncated syllable, speculating on toothpaste, peanut butter, and then figuring “it must be the lyrics to one of those rock & roll songs” and telling him “this is no time to sing”. Meanwhile, each trick only backfires on Slick. (Crashes through the closet wall, gets his foot crushed in the bookcase, and Droopy lights a fire under him causing him to shoot out of the chimney into the distant pond).
Eventually, Droopy finally sees the ghost, breaking the old routine (“I believe I'm seeing something I shouldn't!”; but still apparently thinking he's just the owner of the house). Slick then trips on multiple items, falling out of the disguise, and shouting “You'll never find the treasure; never, NEVER!” Droopy shows this as proof there is no such things as ghosts, but then a real ghost comes from behind the bookcase (carrying his head on a platter) moaning "I wouldn't be too sure about that!" Slick and Barney run, crashing through a couch, which contained the treasure! Droopy thinks this is really an occasion to sing, and now chants “gh- gh- gh- gh-...”, causing the disgusted ghost to flee. “I guess he wasn't a music lover!”
- Alan Oppenheimer - Ghost
- Frank Welker - Droopy, Barney, Slick
- This is currently the only Droopy episode to air with the Tom and Jerry shorts in Boomerang.
- This is also the only Droopy episode (and middle segment) from The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show to air in Boomerang.
- A familiar orchestral sforzando indicating "sudden danger", originally created for the Star Trek cartoon and used in other action-adventiure shows, plays when Barney Bear falls behind the rotating bookcase.
- A common Groovie Goolies background clip plays when Droopy and Barney tiptoe from one room to the other, and Slick starts to slide down the chimney.