(Jerry peeks from a flower pot. he spots a basket with various food stuffs, resting on a pillow. He heads to the basket, but gets stopped by Tom, who emerges from the basket.)
Jerry: AAAUUUUUUGH! (Jerry flees and Tom goes after him, holding a sausage. Jerry receives two blows, which have no effect on him. The chase ends, when Jerry hides in his mouse hole and Tom stops nearby. He goes back while eating his weapon.)
Armand: Mmm... That's a lovely perfume, Molly, I must say! (At the opposite part of the first floor, Armand and Molly are testing perfumes.)
Molly: I've learned that the dogs love this perfume. It tells them it's time for a walk. Oh, they love it! See you later.
(Jerry watches the scene behind a corner. He thinks about something, then he flees from sight. Jerry chases over Molly and leaps to a pocket in her skirt. He finds the perfume dispenser and snatches it. Tom is sleeping at his pillow. Jerry approaches Tom and sprays a dose, which wakes Tom.)
Tom: *coughs* (Enraged Tom goes after Jerry, while emitting the odor. Dogs open the hotel rooms and sense the smell.)
Pomeranian: *pants in a joy* (The dog rushes towards the smell source, other canines follow him. Tom notices he is being chased by a pack of dogs.)
Tom: AAAAAAUUUUUUGH! (Tom does his best to lose dogs. He runs downwards and leaps on a table. The dogs initially run past him without noticing his presence. After a moment, they surround the table Tom is occupying.)
Dogs: *yap at Tom* (Tom grabs a platter with tiny sausages and feeds the dogs in the air. He quickly runs out of treats, but the dogs remain in their positions. Tom falls from the table right into the dogs, then he flees. The canine pack tracks him to the swimming pool where Tom climbs the stairs to the springboard.)
Pomeranian: *grabs a towel* (A whippet and a Shih-Tsu use the towel to hurl the Pomeranian towards Tom. The Shih-Tsu lands there as well.)
Tom: AAAAAAUUUUUUGH! (Tom dives in the swimming pool, leaving the dogs behind him. The canine pack still feels the scent while Tom emerges to the surface.) YEEEOOW! (The dogs leap to the pool, pinning Tom. The cat leaves the pool soaking wet. Having removed water, he flees again. Pomeranian and Shih-Tsu crawl to the ground.)
Pomeranian: *sniffs* (Tom is running past the corridor, being chased by the dogs. Molly spots the dogs and crouches before them.)
Dogs: *bark*
(The dog pack forgets about Tom, who is running past the corridor. He stops at an area with two armchairs and a sofa, then he looks around. Tom spots Jerry.)
Jerry: Hahahahaha! (Tom gets angry. Jerry flees again into a flower pot. When Tom approaches, he gets the perfume sprayed on his eyes again. At the same time, a hotel guest with a large Great Dane enters the hotel.)
The Dane owner: He's been in a bad mood since he missed his walk this morning.
(The Dane smells perfume and gets excited.)
The Dane: *pants* (The huge dog recognizes Tom as the source of pleasant smell. Tom has to flee once again, this time accompanied by Jerry. The Dane follows them outside the hotel to the park. A Corgi and a Retriever walked by one person also smell the perfume.)
The Corgi and the Retriever: *pant with madness in their eyes* (The dogs break free and go after Tom and Jerry. The animals hide inside a mail box, avoiding the unleashed dogs. They peak through the box, then they bail out.)
Tom and Jerry together: AAAAAAUUUUUUGH!
(The Great Dane keeps chasing the animals around the park. The animals reach the monument. Tom and Jerry pretend to be a statue. The Great Dane takes a closer look. Pigeons suddenly land on animals, one of them presses the spray on Jerry.)
Jerry: *sneezes*
(The birds fly away and Tom hits the ground. The odor moves from him. The Dane is attracted by the scent, so he approaches Tom and licks him. Water sprinkling system turns on and washes the perfume from Tom. The dog gets suspicious, then angry. Tom has to flee once again, chased by a huge canine.) *blows raspberry* (Jerry stumbles upon a rock, causing the perfume bottle to break. The perfume cover him completely. At the same time, the Great Dane catches the scent from Jerry.)
The Dane: *stops, then shakes his head* (The dog stares at Jerry's direction.)
Jerry: AAAUUUUUUGH! (Jerry flees in panic, being chased by the Great Dane. He climbs the monument while emitting the odor. Tom is watching the scene from the distance and with joy. The huge dog does his best to leap at Jerry, who remains on top of the monument, because he is a smelly rat.)
Tom: Wo-hohohoho-hahaha!
(Jerry sits disgruntled at the top of the monument and he needs a bath. The episode ends.)