The Tabby is an unnamed white quadrupedal tabby who appears in "Tom Thumped" from the Tom and Jerry Kids Show. She is based upon Toodles Galore from the MGM shorts. She is voiced by Teresa Ganzel.
Appearance and Personality[]
The tabby has white fur, brushed-up whiskers, periwinkle eyeshadows, long black eyelashes, a clump of bangs, and a long thick tail, and wears a pink collar with a red heart on it. She is less anthropomorphic than any other animal and regularly walks on all fours. However, she sometimes acts like a biped when she carries things with her front feet, such as the flowers she receives. At first, she appeared to be Tom's lover when he first saw her, but is actually more interested in mice (eg. Jerry) whom she describes as "fuzzy wuzzy" and the fact that she has an orange cat of a Slicker Boyfriend. She refuses kisses unless she receives a mouse.