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(The episode begins at the hotel's backyard. Butch is looking for food inside the garbage container. He moves to garbage cans, where he finds a bowling ball.)

Butch: That's it! It's time for me to find some real food. (Butch disposes the bowling ball. He proceeds to the kitchen, where he gets forcibly sacked by Tom.)

Tom: *points his finger* (Butch reads the sign.)

Butch: "No strays in kitchen! This means YOU!" Don't worry, Tom old buddy! I'm not a stray. I live in that dumpster right there. (Butch shows the large trash container he calls "a dumpster" and attempts to pass. Tom stops him.) You're really not going to let me in?

Tom: *Shakes his head*

Butch: I thought we was pals, compadres!

Tom: *Shakes his head*

Butch: Okay, I get it. You can't let me in. I understand. (Butch walks away. A moment later, he charges past Tom. Tom catches Butch at his tail and throws him into an alley with a loud thud. Butch screams a trash can in rage.) O-OOW! OW! OW! You rotten bowling ball! I'll show you who's the boss. (Butch stares at the bowling ball and sees own reflection on the surface.) Hey, this gives me an idea...

(At the hotel's kitchen, Jerry is eating grapes. Violin is heard in the background, Tom walks inside and spots a pile of half-eated fruits. He notices Jerry.)

Jerry: *burps*

(Jerry bites Tom's nose, not being aware of the cat's presence. Tom tries to catch Jerry and the chase goes on. While using a trolley to chase Jerry, Tom gets hit by pans. Jerry makes the trolley thud and bowls fall on Tom. When Tom removes those, his head has shrunk. He regains his standard body shapes.)

Jerry: ARRRGH!

(Jerry flees, Tom goes after him, throwing bowls on the floor. Dramatic music is heard, while Jerry is spilling a sauce on the floor. Tom slips over, falls down, and gets thrown away from the kitchen. Jerry manages to strike Tom with a broom before the kitchen door is shut. )

Butch: Looks like you're having trouble catching that mouse. Don't worry, I can help you. Feast your eyes on this! (Butch runs to the left. Tom is watching what goes on. Butch returns wearing a turban and carrying a table with the bowling ball attached to it.) It's a crystal ball that has magical powers! It allows me to see into the future.

Tom: *Gestures that he does not believe Butch*

Butch: No, it's true! In fact, I can see into your future. (Butch pretends to be gazing inside the ball.) You're going to be famous... You're gonna be among the stars!

Tom: *laughs* (Butch grabs the ball and hits Tom at the head.)

Butch: See? You're among the stars. (The stars indeed circulate around unconscious Tom. Tom recovers with enthusiasm.) Not only can I see your future, I can predict where that pesky little mouse will be! You know where he'll be before he does, catching him will be a snap! (Butch snaps his fingers.)

Tom: *Claps his hands in excitement*

Butch: Let's see if I can predict his next location, so you can surprise him. I see dancing... And musicians! I think that mouse is gonna be hiding in the grand piano in the lounge at 11 o'clock!

(Tom rushes to the right. Jerry at the same time is carrying a large chunk of cheese near Butch's dumpster. Butch snatches Jerry and stuns him with a tiny hammer. Butch rushes to the piano room and places unconscious Jerry behind the keys, then he runs away. People are entering the lounge.)

People: *chattering*

(Tom sneaks through the crowd and hides behind piano's leg. The concerto begins. Tom spots Jerry inside the piano, resting on strings. The cat hops inside and causes wood to creak, with his head restrained by strings. Tom grabs Jerry with his foot, them he gets struck by piano's mechanism. Jerry regains consciousness and the piano mechanism takes him away from Tom. Jerry slams his head and gets moved backwards, only to get hit again. Jerry makes the piano lid hit Tom.)

Tom: ARRRGH! (Jerry leaps from the piano and disturbs the pianist. Tom follows Jerry and both run around the piano. Dramatic music is being played in the background. Tom splits open the piano.)

Pianist: Hey! Get out of here, you crazy cat! You're ruining my concert! (The pianist grabs Tom's tail and fires him like an arrow outside. Butch comes out of the hotel kitchen with a bowl of crisps and a sandwich. Tom approaches him. Butch discards the food.)

Butch: Did you get the mouse?

Tom: *Shakes his head*

Butch: Come in! Let's see, where's he gonna be next. (Butch wears his turban and pretends to be setting his ball.) I'm getting something... He's gonna be in the pool on the high dive in three minutes! You don't have a moment to waste. (Butch kicks Tom in his butt.) Run, Tommy! (Jerry approaches with a chicken drumstick. Butch grabs him, repeats the stunning with the hammer, then the scenery changes. Butch is swallowing an entire fish. Tom returns soaking wet and angry. Butch throws away his current meal.) You missed him again? But don't worry, my magical crystal ball says he's going to be in the... Janitor's quarters. (Tom rushes to the place. Once Tom leaves the scene, Butch is scanning the area for Jerry. He can't spot him.) I can't find the mouse. Oh well, this routine seems to be running smooth enough without him. (Butch looks forward. Jerry approaches with a chunk of cake on a platter.) There you are, you little sneak! I predict you're gonna give me that chow. (Butch grabs the platter from Jerry and kicks him away.) Now, get lost! (Butch walks away. Jerry was cross. Meanwhile, Tom returns soaking wet with a plunger on his head.) I should have warned you about that janitor's temper, but let's forget that and consult the crystal. He's in the boiler room. (Tom runs without enthusiasm.) Mind the furnance! (Butch's food pile is growing in size. The scene changes. Tom stands charred.) Not in the boiler room, huh? My bad. Uh... He's in the... Baggage claim. (Tom runs once again, leaving the charred substance in front of Butch. Some time later, Tom returns with a travelling bag crashed on his head.) I misspoke. He's in the garage. (Tom runs to the garage. He returns with his neck unnaturally lengthened and a Tyre hanging on the neck base.) You just missed him again. Definitely the kennel. (Tom runs to the kennel.)

Dogs: *growling and snapping*

(Butch carries his pile of food to the dumpster, then he leaps in. Tom returns badly battered. Instead of Butch, Jerry awaits him. Tom attempts to grab Jerry.)

Jerry: *shows a gesture to stop*

(Jerry presents Tom the ball Butch has been cheating Tom with throughout the episode. Tom gets angry. He grabs the ball with himself and approaches the dumpster.)

Tom: *Knocks the dumpster's lid*

(Butch emerges and smiles foolishly. Tom strikes him with a ball, then he drags Butch out of his dumpster to the middle of the alley. Tom spins Butch while Jerry is watching, then Tom hurls Butch like a bowling ball.)


(Butch hits the garbage cans and makes them collapse to the ground. Tom cleans his hands. Jerry leaps to the ground with two drumsticks in hands, then he gives Tom one drumstick. The animals enjoy their meal together. The victorious music plays in the background and the episode ends.)
