Texas Tom is a 1950 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 49th Tom and Jerry short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera and produced by Fred Quimby. It was animated by Kenneth Muse, Ray Patterson, Irven Spence, and Ed Barge and released to theaters on March 11, 1950.
Tom and Jerry are engaged in some morning Western-flavored cat-and-mouse games (Themed props such as lassos, spurs, prickly pear cactus, and revolver pistols are involved) when Tom spots a pretty cowgirl cat named Tara.
Overcome with lust, Tom dresses up in his best cowboy duds and tries to impress her at the expense of abusing Jerry. Tom takes out tobacco and rolls it up on a piece of paper, then uses Jerry's tongue to stick it closed, Tom smokes it and breathes out the smoke to spell "Howdy roundup." The cowgirl is flustered and giggly. At one point he sings a song for her on a guitar but has a record player secretly playing the song for him; Jerry then takes the chance to mess with the speed of the recorder, and therefore, makes Tom sing in whatever speed he chooses. Jerry then gets hit by a guitar, and then he then finds a branding iron with a TJ-shape (for Tom and Jerry). He uses a tree like a slingshot and shoots the branding iron to Tom's exposed butt. Tom then jumps out of his clothing, cooling off in a horse trough.
Tom chases after Jerry for humiliating him and tries to lasso the mouse. Jerry manages to evade capture and throws the lasso around the left horn of a nearby bull. He then angrily yanks the horn off, thinking it was Jerry, and uses it like a horn. He attaches the horn back, shapes it to the correct position, but the bull starts mooing angrily. When Tom is confronted by the angry bull, he tries to flee. The bull charges at Tom, trying to ram him into a tree, but Tom hung on to a branch, causing the bull to smack into the tree. Tom then hides behind the gate, but the bull broke through, decapitating Tom. The bull spies golden horns on a door and trades his white horns off for the more dangerous golden horns. Tom then hides into a chicken coop, but the bull uses its golden horns to lift the coop up. The hens then flee, laying eggs in fear. Tom then grabs an egg, clucks at the bull, and eggs it before running away. However, Tom reached a fence on all directions. He resigns himself to his fate with a blindfold, smokes his last cigarette, and got the horns. Tom then goes flying in the air, bounces down the rooftop and falls down a waterspout.
With Tom out of commission, Jerry now wears his own cowboy duds, and he waves his hat over to the cowgirl cat, then excitedly runs up to her face, grabs her by the cheeks and presses his lips onto the cowgirl's red lips, giving her a big kiss, and rides off into the sunset on Tom's back like a horse.
- Due to the United Kingdom's ban on television characters smoking, Tom's smoking of a cigarette is omitted from Boomerang in the UK. It is shown in the US and on DVD releases uncensored.
- Main article: Texas Tom/Gallery
- Tom's cowboy outfit has also appeared in Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers and MultiVersus.
- A print with the original titles was released on DVD by Thunderbean.
- This is Tara's only appearance up until the The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) episode Day of the Jackalope.
- The Bull reappears in Posse Cat.
- Hen makes a cameo appearance in the cartoon along with other hens.
- The Bull replacing its white horns with bigger ones is similar to how Spike replaces his teeth in Solid Serenade.
- Excerpts of this cartoon are seen in two other shorts: Smitten Kitten and Cruise Cat.
- Lovestruck Tom was used as one of the examples as how characters portray heart shaped eyes in https://blog.emojipedia.org/emojiology-smiling-face-with-heart-shaped-eyes/#:~:text=%F0%9F%94%A4%20Meaning,obsessed%20with%E2%80%9D%20someone%20or%20something.
- Tom with hearts in his eyes was previously shown in Springtime for Thomas and Puss n' Toots.