The Tom and Jerry Show (also known as The New Tom and Jerry Show or stylized as The Tom & Jerry Show) is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and MGM Television. The show aired on ABC in 1975. Plot
In this show, Tom and Jerry (who wears a red bow tie) spend various episodes doing things like roaming the world, competing in sports, enduring on-the-job misadventures, running afoul of dastardly villains, solving mysteries and helping others. While the show does not use the chases and the violence central to the theatrical shorts (due to ABC's Broadcast Standards and Practices at the time), the two do compete against each other in some episodes. Following the negative attention of this incarnation, the format is no longer being used. Voice cast
Additional voices[]
See the List of The Tom and Jerry Show (1975) episodes. Reception
Critical reception[]The show was given mixed to negative reviews due to the lack of slapstick, violence, having Tom and Jerry as friends, the lack of quality and perfectly written episodes, the poor grasp (or ignorance) on the source material, and the fact this cartoon was made in the time where cartoons have to follow all television regulations in the past. The low-budget animation is regarded to be mediocre compared to the original shorts from the Golden-era, but is considered to be at its best compared to The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show. Availability
This show never had a complete series DVD box set, along with its successor, The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show, both of which gained negative attention. However, some episodes were included in the Saturday Morning Cartoons: 1970s Volume 2 DVD set in 2009 and Tom and Jerry: The Deluxe Anniversary Collection in 2010. With the launch of the Boomerang streaming service in 2017, not only were most of the theatrical shorts included, but so was this series, as well as The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show. All were confusingly listed as the same series, despite being different series. The app includes almost every episode of the 1975 series, except for Gopher Broke, Grim and Bear It, The Flying Sorceress, The Egg and Tom and Jerry, and The Lost Duckling. In 2023, The Tom and Jerry Show became available for streaming on Tubi, with every episode available, including five episodes missing from Boomerang. Trivia
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The Tom and Jerry Show (1975)