Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
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This article serves as a gallery for the Tom and Jerry franchise, consisting of title cards and any sort of promotional material or images. In order to make this article less cluttered, posters and DVD covers have been moved to Posters in Tom & Jerry Media.

Note that due to mishandling of film elements and vault fires, many of the theatrical shorts released from the 1940s and early 1950s largely exist in reissued or re-released form, so a large number of original titles are extremely difficult to find. However, there is a small but growing number of original titles that are being found, although most of the titles that are found are in black and white.

Title Cards[]

Note that:

1) Cartoons that weren't reissued will still be in the "Original Titles" section.

2) For cartoons that were produced in both the CinemaScope and Academy ratios, they will be grouped together in "Original Titles".

3) For cartoons where the original print is known to exist but hasn't been found yet, the existing title will be in the "Reissues" section.

Opening Title Variants[]

Theatrical Shorts[]



Original Titles[]

Theatrical Shorts[]



Promotional Images[]



Opening Title Variants (Under Construction)[]

Opening Titles[]

