Tom and Jerry first premiered in 1940, featuring a cat named Tom chasing a mouse named Jerry through their home, the streets, and around the world! These chases often involved Tom getting into awkward situations and being putting immense pain while Jerry toyed with him and got the last laugh.
As the cartoons progressed throughout the 20th Century and into the 21st Century, the stakes got higher and higher and higher, with involvement of criminals, long voyages to the other side of the world, and even trips to the space!
Of course, Tom and Jerry were never alone and a host of other hilarious characters helped or hindered their adventures, including Spike Bulldog, Nibbles Mouse, Butch Cat, and more!
We are currently editing over 4,793 pages, and 72,381 files, and you can help! This wiki has been covering the show since May 2008.
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TOM AND JERRY and all related characters and elements are TM & © Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s24) Boomerang is TM & © 2024 Cartoon Network. A Warner Bros. Discovery Company. All Rights Reserved.
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