Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers is a video game released for the PlayStation 2, GameCube and Xbox in 2003. It is the sequel of Tom and Jerry in Fists of Furry. It was developed by VIS Entertainment, and published by NewKidCo in North America, Ubisoft in Europe, and Success in Japan.



A total of eleven characters are playable in Tom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers, of which two characters are starters and nine characters need to be unlocked.

  • Large: A character with high strength, but low speed
  • Medium: A character with average speed and strength
  • Small: A character with high speed, but low strength

Starting challengers[]

Unlockable challengers[]

Unlockable non-challengers[]

Voice cast[]

  • Marc Silk as Tom, Spike, Butch, Eagle, Monster Jerry, and Robot Cat
  • Alan D. Marriott as the narrator, Jerry, Tyke, Duckling, Lion, Nibbles
Tom's Side
Fighter Opponent #1
Opponent #2
Opponent #3
Opponent #4
Opponent #5
Tom Jerry
Snow Fight
That Sinking Feline
Ciao Meow

Monster Jerry

Spike Tom
Ciao Meow
Snow Fight
A Fridge Too Far
Haunted Mouse
Robot Cat
Nibbles Butch
Towering Inferno
Scrap Yard Scrape Up
Haunted Mouse
Robot Cat
Duckling Tom
Haunted Mouse
That Sinking Feline
Luncheons and Dragons
Robot Cat
Eagle Jerry
Snow Fight
Towering Inferno
Scrap Yard Scrape Up
Monster Jerry
Monster Jerry
Jerry's Side
Fighter Opponent #1
Opponent #2
Opponent #3
Opponent #4
Opponent #5
Jerry Tom
A Fridge Too Far
Scrap Yard Scrape Up
Ciao Meow
Robot Cat
Tyke Eagle
Snow Fight
That Sinking Feline
A Fridge Too Far
Haunted Mouse
Robot Cat
Butch Tom
Scrap Yard Scrape Up
Luncheons and Dragons
Towering Inferno
Monster Jerry
Lion Tom
That Sinking Feline
Luncheons and Dragons

Monster Jerry

Robot Cat




  • Paws (based on Muscle Beach Tom)
  • Snow Fight
  • That Sinking Feline (loosely based on Gene Kelly in Anchors Aweigh)
  • Luncheons and Dragons (based on The Two Mouseketeers)


  • Unfurgivin
  • Some Like It Hotter (based on Heavenly Puss) (Clearing every character in Challenge)


  • Scrap Yard Scrape Up
  • Paws (based on Muscle Beach Tom)


  • Unfurgivin (resembles based on Two Little Indians)
  • Luncheons and Dragons (based on The Two Mouseketeers)


  • Snow Fight
  • Unfurgivin


A Fridge Too Far[]

Taking place in a flooded kitchen. Players have to be careful when on the stove. Flames will shoot out of the burners and will set players on fire if touched. Players also needs to be careful on the floor. The fridge will suddenly freeze the water on the floor and the sink. If players are on the floor or the sink, they'll get frozen. There is a clock trap in which when players hits the wall below the clock, the clock will fall onto the player. The hidden weapon for this map is a black carton of rotten eggs which drain health. The throwables are a chair, a bar stool, a tomato, eggs, a watermelon, and a bowl. The weapons are a scrubbing brush, a steak fork, ham, a rolling pin, and a set of mousetraps.

Some Like It Hotter (Players only)[]

Taking place inside a volcano. Players can throw each other out of the map and into the lava. If players fall or are thrown out into lava, their berserk mode will end early. Weapons will appear for players to use against each other. The Weapons that appear are a bomb, a bone, and a morning star.


The stage itself is loosely based on Heavenly Puss.

Ciao Meow[]

Taking place in a small village in Italy. Players can throw plates, bottles and vases at each other, but they need to watch out for bees and stay away from the fountain. The hidden weapon in this map is a beehive. When thrown, it will get stuck in the opponent's head and also spawns bees. The throwables are a fruit bowl, a keg bottle, a vase, and a plate of spaghetti. The weapons are a spaghetti wand, a rapier, and a guitar.

Raging Mouse (Players only)[]

Taking place in a boxing arena. Players can beat each other up with no items or weapons.


Taking place in an old western town. Players can fight all around the town, but they have to avoid the twister, or it will send them high into the air, and fall back onto the map, also ending their berserk mode early. The hidden weapon is an extremely hot branding star that sets players on fire. The throwables are: a chair, a cattle skull, a glass bottle, a stick of dynamite, and a barrel. The weapons are a shovel, an axe, and a pitchfork.


Unfurgivin might be a reference of Clint Eastwood's 1992 film, "Unforgiven."


Taking place in a lab. The players can fight all around the lab and throw stuff, but players have to watch out for the bolts of electricity or they will get electrocuted. Monster Jerry and Robot Cat serve as the final bosses in this level. The hidden weapon is a electric bomb which will electrocute opponents. The throwables are a skull, a green flask, an hourglass, a container of eyeballs, three red flasks, and three books. The weapons are a bone, a projector, and an electrical stick.


Frankenmouse is a reference to Frankenstein.

Towering Inferno[]

Taking place in a construction site. The only throwables are a bag of concrete, a paint can and three sandwiches. Players have to be careful of the cement or they will be immobilized. If a player is caught under a piledriver, they will get flattened. There is also a cement trap which when the barriers are destroyed, two cement bags will fall and flatten opponents. The hidden weapon in this map is a dynamite which stuns opponents. The weapons are a manual, a metal tire jack, a screwdriver, and a mini sledgehammer. In the PlayStation 2 version, if the orange generator is broken, it releases some electricity that electrocutes a player upon contact. This does not happen in the GameCube and Xbox version.


Taking place in a beach. Players can battle each other throughout the whole beach. The water will soon rise and players can swim around, but they need to avoid sharks or it will bite them. There are two traps in this map. One is a crate trap for which when the fishing hook is broken, a crate full of fish will fall and flatten opponents. The second one is an ice cream trap which can be activated if a player is underneath it. When that happens, an ice cream cone will fall onto the opponent, disabling their movement. The hidden weapon for this map is an electric eel which electrocutes a player if hit by it. The throwables are a hermit crab, a sea star, a crab, and an inner tube. The weapons are a plastic shovel, a fish, a spear, an oar, and a telescope.

  • Paws is a reference of 1970's film, "Jaws".

Luncheons and Dragons[]

Taking place in a castle. Players need to avoid a purple dragon while fighting each other. The dragon will breathe fire three times before disappearing. Players caught in the blast will be set on fire. Players can throw each other into a fireplace which also sets them on fire. The hidden weapon is a sword which stuns opponents. The throwables are three cannonballs, a barrel, two pies and a pumpkin. The weapons are a hot club, a ham, a pig on a stick, a fireplace tool, and a spiked morning star.

Snow Fight[]

Taking place outside of a wooden cabin. Players can throw sleds, toilet paper, and snowballs at each other. After a few minutes, the map will shake and an avalanche will rage past. Players caught in it will turn into snowmen or get hurt if they touch the avalanche from above. The hidden weapon for this map is a frozen barrel, which turns players into a block of ice if hit by it. The throwables are a sled, a snowman's head, a roll of toilet paper, and a snowball. The Weapons are a snow sandal, a ski walker, an icicle, and a snow shovel.

That Sinking Feline[]

Taking place in a cruise ship. Players can throw stuff at each other as well as setting each other on fire by throwing a bomb. Player have to avoid the steam coming out of the pipes, and stay away from rising tentacles from a purple squid. The hidden weapon for this map is an octopus which stuns opponents. The throwables are a bomb, a life preserver, a deck chair, a radio, and a suitcase, and the Weapons are a fish, a swordfish, a tennis racket, an oar, and a wine bottle.

Scrap Yard Scrape Up[]

Taking place in a junkyard at night. Players need to avoid a crane carrying a car that has been turned into a cube while fighting each other or they will lose a lot of health. Throwing a car engine at full power will set a player on fire. Players can also throw each other into a car crusher to get flattened. The hidden weapon in this map is a hammer, which flattens players. The throwables are a metal drum, an old chair, a tire, a car engine, and a washing machine, and the Weapons are a wrench, a car axel and a car jack.

Haunted Mouse[]

Taking place in an old abandoned house. Players can roam around throwing stuff, Avoid the steam coming out of a hole on the floor and two ghosts. The steam can hurt a player, and a ghost can scare them, giving them a massive heart attack. Players can also set each other on fire by throwing an oil lamp at full power or by jabbing a candle into opponents three times. Destroying the wall next to the window will cause a Moose Trophy to fall on an opponent's head. The hidden weapon in this map is a pirate sword which stuns opponents. The throwables are a lounge chair, a table, a knight's helmet, a globe, and an oil lamp. The weapons are a plank of wood, an umbrella, a candle, a broom, and three books.

Changes from Fist of Furry[]

  • When the characters are set on fire, they run fast screaming and cannot jump or carry weapons.
  • The invisibility power up is removed.
  • The double damage power up is replaced with Berserk mode.
  • Nibbles' animations is different than Jerry's.
  • Butch's animations (including Intro, Taunt, Lose & Win) is different than Tom's.
  • Four additional characters (Eagle, Monster Jerry, Robot Cat, and Lion) are added.

Berserk mode[]

When the Berserk meter is full, when the player presses the taunt button, a red steam cloud appears, followed by the sound of a steam whistle and the character turns red and becomes resistant to any attack unless another character is in Berserk mode as well. The character icon also displays an angry face (except for Monster Jerry who has his normal face icon instead). The only character that doesn't turn red is Robot Cat who instead turns into a helicopter when in berserk mode. The player can press the kick button to make him shoot lava balls at opponents.


Taunting is a new feature in War of the Whiskers. The player must press the taunt button to make their character taunt their opponents. If a player is battling an AI-controlled opponent and taunts them, they pick them up and throw them. Taunting also fills up the player's berserk meter and once the meter is full, it will be replaced with berserk mode. There are three different taunt speeds: Spike and Lion have low speeds so they need six taunts to fill in the berserk meter; Tom, Monster Jerry and Eagle have medium speeds so they need four taunts to fill in the berserk meter; Jerry, Tyke, Nibbles, Butch, Duckling and Robot Cat have high speeds so they need three taunts to fill in the berserk meter.

Picking up opponents[]

War of the Whiskers also introduces the ability to pick up opponents. When the player picks up an opponent, a clock appears, telling the player they only have a few seconds to carry their opponent. When the clock reaches the number twelve, the player automatically drops their opponent. To prevent the clock from reaching the top, the player must throw their opponent. If the player throws their opponent into a breakable part of the arena, the opponent loses a lot of health. The only character that cannot pick up opponents is Robot Cat (who does not have any hands).

PS2 Cheat code Controls[]

Cheat Code Effect
X, Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square ... Infinite Health (Auto Refill Health Bars ...
While playing, press Circle, Square, Cir ... Infinite Ammo
Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, ... Unlock All Areas
Circle, Circle, X, Square, Circle, Trian ... Unlock All Character Costumes


  • This is the first and only Tom and Jerry video game to earn a T rating until MultiVersus in 2022. This was probably due to the level of violence. In today's standards, it would have earned an E10+ rating, as E10+ was not enacted until 2005.
  • The PlayStation 2 and Xbox versions comes with a free mini comic book from DC Comics.
  • In the PlayStation 2 version, only two players can fight each other. In the Xbox and GameCube versions, the maximum is four players.
  • Monster Jerry previously appeared in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mouse as well as Fists of Furry, but this is the first time he is playable.
  • Destroying the maps will unlock special weapons.
  • The PlayStation 2 version is the only platform on which this game was released in other countries.
  • Raging Mouse is the only stage that has no throwables or weapons.
  • In the Japanese version of the PlayStation 2 box art, Jerry has a happy face instead of the angry face, and Tom slips on a banana instead of getting hit in the head with a hammer.
  • Marc Silk and Alan Marriott also voice characters from Bob the Builder together.
  • The PlayStation 2 and GameCube versions have the same graphics, but the Xbox version has different graphics.
  • There are a few War of the Whiskers stages based on Fists of Furry stages.
    • A Fridge Too Far is based on Catchin' in the Kitchen.
    • That Sinking Feline is based on Bomb Voyage.
    • Frankenmouse is based on Laboratory Retriever.
  • There are palette swap for another player while selecting the same character that references.

In other languages[]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
Japanese トムとジェリー ヒゲヒゲだいせんそう Tom and Jerry Great Whisker War
German Tom & Jerry Krieg der Schnurrhaare Tom & Jerry's War of the Whiskers
Dutch Tom & Jerry In De Strijd Der Snorharen Tom & Jerry In The Battle Of The Whiskers
French Tom Et Jerry Sèment La Pagaille Tom And Jerry Wreck Mayhem
Italian Tom & Jerry in Guerra all'ultimo baffo Tom & Jerry in War to the last mustache
Spanish Tom y Jerry: la Guerra de los bigotes Tom and Jerry: Mustache War


See also[]

Tom and Jerry Video Games
Home video games Tom & Jerry (1989) • Tom and Jerry: Yankee Doodle's CAT-astropheTom & Jerry: The Ultimate Game of Cat and Mouse!Tom and Jerry (1991) • Tom and Jerry (1992) • Tom and Jerry: The MovieTom and Jerry: Frantic Antics!Tom and Jerry (1999) • Tom and Jerry in Fists of FurryTom and Jerry in House TrapTom and Jerry: Mouse Attacks!Tom and Jerry: Mouse HuntTom and Jerry: The Magic RingTom and Jerry in War of the Whiskers (PS2 version) • Tom and Jerry: Infurnal Escape • Tom and Jerry Tales (Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS)
Mobile games Tom and Jerry Cheese ChaseTom and Jerry Food FightTom and Jerry Pinball PursuitTom and Jerry: Mouse MazeTom and Jerry Learn & PlayTom and Jerry Chase
Online games Chasing JerryColossal CatastropheFood FightPuzzle EscapeRefriger RaidersRun JerryRun Jerry Run!Suppertime SerenadeTom and Jerry in What's the Catch?Tom and Jerry: Cheese HuntTom's Trap-O-MaticPuzzle EscapeColossal CatastropheHush RushChasing JerryFood ThiefCheese DashCheese SwipeRiver RecycleBackyard HoopsBlast OffDon't Make a MessFreefallingJigsaw PuzzleMusical StairsAre you Tom or Jerry?Dress UpFind OutSpot the DifferenceWhack-a-GopherCard CreatorTaxi Cabs
Other games Tom and Jerry: The Movie (Tiger LCD handheld game)Fusion FallMultiVersusTom vs. Jerry: The Chase is On! (unreleased)