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Tom and Jerry Wiki

"Tomb It May Concern" is the twelfth episode of Tom and Jerry Tales, originally broadcasted on October 28, 2006. It is directed by Tim Maltby, story by Charles Schneider, teleplay by Richard Pursel and storyboard by Dan Kubat.






Tom and Jerry excavate a tomb with hopes of finding vast treasure only to awaken a mummy hidden within.


In the Egypt. Jerry discovers that the secret tomb of an ancient Egyptian cat (known as King Rameses III of Apepee). Jerry use the pick axe to make a hole. Suddenly Tom appears behind the tree and goes under the camel. Jerry tries to make a hole. As Tom tiptoes but Jerry see Tom disguise as Egyptian Wall Painting. Then he continues to make a hole. Tom appears in the jar and walks to Jerry. Suddenly the light shine on Jerry. Tom follows Jerry and discovers it as well, but while searching for him, Jerry hides in a mummy's coffin, which Tom opens. This angers the mummy inside, who chases the two. Then the tomb breaks into pieces after they open a brick and Jerry is congratulated for excavating the lost treasure and the episode ends with Tom feeding Jerry grapes.


  • The episode title is a pun of "To whom it may concern."
  • This is the first episode to credit the teleplay writer in the opening.
  • In Tom's flashback and his dream, the harems, Aquamarina and Lavendia resemble Toodles Galore who is Tom's main and official love interest.


  • When Tom is struggling to get inside of King Ramses III of Apepee, the jar he was hiding in disappears.

In Other Languages[]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
O Segredo da Tumba The Tomb Secret


Main Article: Tomb It May Concern/Gallery



Tom and Jerry Tales The Mummy Boomerang UK

Tom and Jerry Tales
Season 1
Tiger Cat | Feeding Time | Polar Peril | Joy Riding Jokers | Cat Got Your Luggage? | City Dump Chumps | Way-Off Broadway | Egg Beats | Cry Uncle | Bats What I Like About the South | Fraidycat Scat | Tomb It May Concern | Din-O-Sores | Freaky Tiki | Prehisterics | Digital Dilemma | Hi, Robot | Tomcat Jetpack | Fire Breathing Tom Cat | Medieval Menace | The Itch | Ho Ho Horrors | Doggone Hill Hog | Northern Light Fish Fight | Cat Nebula | Martian Mice | Spaced Out Cat | Octo Suave | Beach Bully Bingo | Treasure Map Scrap | Destruction Junction | Battle of the Power Tools | Jackhammered Cat | Tin Cat of Tomorrow | Beefcake Tom | Tomcat Superstar | Piranha Be Loved By You | Spook House Mouse | Abracadumb
Season 2
More Powers to You | Catch Me Though You Can't | Power Tom | Zent Out of Shape | I Dream of Meanie | Which Witch | Don't Bring Your Pet to School Day | Cat Show Catastrophe | The Cat Whisperer | Adventures in Penguin Sitting | Cat of Prey | Jungle Love | Invasion of the Body Slammers | Monster Con | Over the River and Boo the Woods | Xtreme Trouble | A Life Less Guarded | Sasquashed | Summer Squashing | League of Cats | Little Big Mouse | Bend It Like Thomas | Endless Bummer | Game Set Match | The Declaration of Independunce | Kitty Hawked | 24 Karat Kat | Hockey Schtick | Snow Brawl | Snow Mouse | DJ Jerry | Kitty Cat Blues | Flamenco Fiasco | You're Lion | Kangadoofus | Monkey Chow | Game of Mouse & Cat | Babysitting Blues | Catfish Follies