Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

(Tom is chasing Jerry around the hotel, the Jerry stop Tom and picks a flower from a pot.)

Jerry: *gives Tom a daisy from the pot*

Tom: *sniffs the daisy*

Jerry: *Jerry blows a pot on Tom's head and runs away*

(Jerry goes through the stairs, to him having to avoid passing employees of the hotel, as Jerry got through the passing people.)

Jerry: *shriek*

(Jerry runs inside the kitchen as Tom is at a look out. Jerry stumbles upon three cooks preparing a meal for the guests.)

Jerry: *shrieks* *shrieks* *shrieks* (Then Tom comes sneaks up on Jerry.) *shrieks*

(Jerry retreats, Tom jumps on the table, the third chef kicks the two animals out to a dumpster. Jerry rose out the dumpster to see that the door closed, Jerry gets caught by Tom)

Tom: *laughing evilly* (Tom slowly closes the dumpster lid and beats up Jerry from inside the dumpster.)

(A sanitation trucks comes to the alley, the sanitation workers put the dumpster in the truck, they are eventually dumped to a barge leaving the city. The duo wake up attacking each other to see that surrounded by garbage from the entire New York.)

Tom: (confused, he down at Jerry.)

Jerry: (He mad that he kicks Tom)

Tom: (glares at him) *he kicks him out the deck to the water*

Jerry: *shakes his fist at Tom*

Tom: *giggling*

(Jerry sees the Baby Seal and noticed he has a plastic six-bottle clip obstructing his nose, Jerry finds a crab to cut the plastic junk from the seal's nose, Tom is observing the scene from the trash barge's deck.)

Tom: *gasps*

(Having his nose liberated from the garbage, the Baby Seal takes Jerry to the barge and helps in leaping upon the deck.)

Jerry: *waves the seal goodbye*

Baby Seal: *waves backs*

Tom: *also waves bye to the seal*

(The protagonists examine the area they found themselves in, When Tom and Jerry pass through quite an oddly located door, they encounter a gang of rats)

Jerry: *shrieks* (He taps Tom's leg to get his attention)


(The leader of the gang Frankie the rat appears and taps Tom's leg)

Frankie: And just where do you two...


Frankie: ...think you're going, hmm? This here barge is our turf. (Frankie walks on top of Tom's to talk to him to face to face) Unless you two are looking to challenge us for it.

Tom: *looks at Jerry*

Jerry: *shrugs*

Seagull: *seagull squawking* (the Seagull lands on the barge) Ooh, did somebody say, "challenge?"

Both Tom and Jerry: *shakes there heads indicating they mean no*

Seagull: Okay. Okay, here's how it works. You compete in a series of skill and strength tests, each worth one point. Whoever has the highest score at the end is declared Top of the Heap. And whoever loses gets tossed in the drink.

Rats: *laughing*

Seagull: And since this is rat turf, we'll play by rat rules.

Rats: *laughing*

Jerry: *gulp*

Tom: *gulp*

Seagull: Let the games begin!

(The seagull is elected to judge the teams performing. The first contest requires racing with rusty buckets.)

Rats: *cheering*

(One of Frankie's rat head for the bucket, Tom appears to not know the rules)

Jerry: *tell him he must go* (Tom then race the rat to the buckets)

(The rest cheers for them. They make it to their buckets, when Tom grabs his finds out his bucket which is weighted in with an anvil.)

Frankie: *chuckles* Tough luck, kitty. Rat rules means no rules. Anything goes.

(Frankie's team wins the first competition.)

Jerry: *hits his head to face*

Seagull: (adds one point to home)

(Next round, Tom and a rat would perform at carrying boxes around the barge)

Jerry: (distracts the gull with a hot-dog and hurls a pressed soda can at one of Frankie's rat, Tom wins the second competition)

Seagull: (Awhile eating an hot dog, he adds a point to the visitors)

(The third competition is climbing a garbage mountain)

Seagull: *blows whistle*

(Jerry climbs to the peak with rats also climbing up till Tom grabs them by the tail.)

Rat #1: T-Foul! Foul! Foul!

Rat #3: He fouled me!

Rat #2: -Hey, this guy's cheating!

(Jerry makes it to the top and obtains the flag, even with the rat's complaints, the gull gives the point to visitor)

Frankie: *chuckles* Like I said, rat rules.

(The seagull gives the other team a point as well. Tom and Jerry fight against the tricky rats to a pole combat contest, when they are stun. the rats uses a feather to tickle Tom)

Tom: *laughing*

(The rats hit them with the club making them fall down to rope. The first part of garbage tennis. They hit the ball back in forth, the serve from the rat, the ball goes high)


(Tom try to hit the ball until he stumbles into broken down washing machine, the rat team gets a point.)

Rats: *laughing*

(Jerry gets infuriated and strikes the ball with such power, that Frankie's rats can't deflect it, so the protagonists gain a point. Breaking a plank goes poorly for Tom and Jerry, however, they win arm wrestling contest. Later on. Tom gets his hand snapped by a concealed mousetrap)


(Tom wins fencing with armor against one of the rats. A hammer bashes on Tom's head)

Rat: *giggling*

(Tom blows a planks at one tricky rat. The tug reaches the destination point and the gull announces the end of the contest.)

Seagull: We have a new Top of the Heap!

(Frankie's rats gain the cup as their prize, he shows them cup like he was giving it to Tom and Jerry, but he strikes Tom and Jerry off the barge with his cup.)

Frankie: See you later, suckers. We're Top of the Heap. Kings of the Hill.

(Shortly afterwards, greater rats pick on Frankie and his gang)

Greater Rat Leader: Think again, chump.

Frankie: *looks at his gang with a frowning expression*

(The protagonist watch the scene from the water to see they got their comeuppance, The duo sees the Baby Seal is in the water with them.)

Baby Seal: *claps his flippers*

(The Baby Seal takes Tom and Jerry back to New York and the episode ends.)
