Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

(A singer accompanied by a piano is having a performance inside the hotel lobby.)

The singer: La-la-la, la-la-la...

(Tom is resting nearby. He is staring at Toodles Galore's photo with apparent affection. Jerry emerges from his mouse hole. He looks at Tom, then at the table, where cookies rest on a platter. Jerry sneaks to the cookies, but Tom doesn't seem to care what Jerry is doing.)

Jerry: *grabs a cookie in flight* (Jerry hides behind Toodles' photo, when Tom raises the photo and kisses it, exposing Jerry.) *yells silently*

(Jerry loses the cookie he has stolen, it breaks on his head. Jerry tries to flee, but Tom gives him the entire cookie platter. Jerry grabs another cookie in run, then he reaches the mouse hole. Tom remains focused on Toodles' photo. Time passes and the scenery changes - instead of human singer and pianist, Toodles Galore appears as the singer and Tom is playing the piano.)

Toodles: "I made me a promise, when you went away, No more chumps, or ne'er-do-wells, (Tom falls in love with Toodles.) No more characters, of ill repute..." (Butch appears from nowhere on the opposite side of the screen, also playing a piano.)

Butch: *grins with piano teeth exposed* (Toodles seems attracted by Butch. Tom gets jealous.)

Toodles: "But look, what the cat dra-aagged in..." (Tom plays the piano aggressively. Butch slams his piano, which causes the keys on Tom's piano to reposition.) "...Next time round, I swore it's first class all the way..." (Tom continues to play. Toodles stares at him with mixed feelings.)"... A swift engagement, then wedding beeells..." (Tom speeds up playing the piano. Toodles is showing Butch an apparent affection. Jerry is waving his finger to the tune.)"My resolve was firm and abso-lute..." (Tom pulls his piano keyboard, which causes Butch's piano keyboard to retract.)"... But look what the cat dragged in..." (Tom moves the keyboard and hits Butch, bailing him out of the piano. Unfortunately to Tom, Toodles approaches Butch.)

Butch and Toodles together: "I'm a kitten who's known a lotta dogs..." (Butch is embracing Toodles and she seems to enjoy it.)"...Not one single prince, from kissing all those frogs..." (Tom keeps playing the piano, while striking varied facial expressions.)

Tom (in a horrible voice), Butch, and Toodles together: "No more alley cats, no more strays..." (Jerry covers his ears, then he runs towards Tom.) "... No more-" (Jerry pulls Tom's bowtie, causing him to choke.)

Jerry, Butch and Toodles together: "No more scallywags with torn lapels..." (Toodles is holding Butch in a position to kiss him. Jerry singing in a good voice.) "This time round I'll be resolute..." (Toodles drops Butch and rushes to Tom.)

Tom and Toodles together: "Aww, look what the cat dragged in..." (Toodles is sitting on Tom's laps. Butch changes the tune.)

Tom: *Puts Toodles away*

(Tom counters Butch's performance by his own recital. The two male cats compete mercilessly. Suddenly, Butch's piano rises upwards.)

Butch: *plays jazzy music as his piano is going upwards*

Tom: *plays similar jazzy tune* (Tom's piano is also going upwards. The two male cats are chasing up one another to the top. When Tom exceeds Butch, the later catches up with five clones playing saxophones. Tom speeds up with ten of his clones - five playing saxophones and another five playing jazz trumpets. Butch changes outfit from tuxedo into hipster fashion.)

Butch: "Thought you were a cool cat, but then I smelled a rat, then I smelled a rat..." (Butch breaks the ceiling.) "You were not a cool cat..." (Tom pierces ceiling as well. Now he is dressed in Super Mario fashion.)

Tom: "You and me, we're gonna have a big old donnybrook... That's right, we're gonna have a donnybrook!"

(Butch breaks from his hipster outfit. He speeds up playing. His pillar becomes a rocket and flies high in the skies, into the moon. Tom plays a calmer tune and his platform goes down, where Toodles awaits him.)

Toodles: *Sets a bored pose*

Tom: *grabs Toodles* (Romantic music is playing in the background, as Tom is kissing Toodles at her cheek. Tom suddenly stops and looks at Jerry.)

Jerry: *claps and whistles*

(Tom wakes up. He is still holding Toodles' portrait in hands. Jerry is clapping.)

Tom: *bows on his pillow*

(The episode ends.)
