Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki
Tom and Jerry Wiki

"Towering Fiasco" is the twenty-ninth episode of The Tom and Jerry Show (1975).


Professional dog walkers Tom and Jerry are hired to walk an English sheepdog who keeps running into trouble.


Tom and Jerry try professional dog walking, taking Boo-Boo, a wealthy lady's English sheep dog puppy for his afternoon outing. The huge, exuberant pup drags Tom and Jerry through one harrowing adventure after another, from chasing a cat to chasing a butterfly, finally swinging through the framework of a high-rise building under construction, his terrified "protectors" behind him. When the exhausted pair is wheel barrowed by Boo-Boo to his mistress, she tells them to walk him again right now! Boo-Boo runs off, chasing a small gnat, dragging Tom and Jerry behind him.


Main Characters[]

Minor Characters[]

  • Doorman
  • Woman
  • Non-Anthropomorphic Cat


  • The title is a takeoff of The Towering Inferno.
  • The scenes where T&J pursue Boo-Boo through the construction site (and Tom falling into a vat of cement) are inspired by similar scenes in the very last original MGM Tom & Jerry short, Tot Watchers (1958).
  • The title "Towering Fiasco" is derived from Irwin Allen's 1974 20th Century-Fox/Warner Bros. disaster movie The Towering Inferno, starring Steve McQueen and Paul Newman.
  • "Towering Fiasco" originally ended with the lady owner inviting them to come again the next day, but Tom and Jerry react in horror and flee.
  • Speaking the only lines of dialogue throughout this entire cartoon is Jean VanderPyl, who voices Boo-Boo's female owner. She is best remembered for her role as Wilma Slaghoople-Flintstone on The Flintstones (ABC, 1960-66) and its many sequels and incarnations.
  • Notice that Boo-Boo's mistress never once shows her face, which is a nod to the MGM T&J theatricals through the mid-1950s which occasionally featured humanoid characters (including maid Mammy Two-Shoes) whose faces were deliberately hidden.
  • Boo-Boo chases a cat during their walk. Boo-Boo didn't chase Tom when he first met him and Tom is a cat. Except, Tom is an anthropomorphic cat, while the cat Boo-Boo chased is non-anthropomorphic.


The Tom and Jerry Show (1975) Episodes
No Way, Stowaways / The Ski Bunny / Stay Awake or Else...No Bones About It / An Ill Wind / Beach BullyMammoth Manhunt / The Wacky World of Sports / Robin Ho HoSafe But Not Sorry / Gopher Broke / The Super BowlerTricky McTrout / The Tennis Menace / Cosmic Cat and Meteor Mouse/ Castle Wiz/ Grim and Bear It/ The Flying SorceressThe Kitten Sitters / Termites Plus Two / Planet PestThe Hypochondriac Lion / Give 'Em the Air / The Egg and Tom and JerryWatch Out, Watch Dog / The Super Cyclists / The Police KittenThe Outfoxed Fox / Towering Fiasco / The Lost DucklingBeanstalk Buddies / Two Stars Are Born / Son of Gopher BrokeThe Sorcerer's Apprentices / Hold That Pose / The Supercape CaperChickenrella / Double Trouble Crow / Jerry's NephewSee Dr. Jackal and Hide / Planet of the Dogs / The Campout CutupTriple Trouble / The Bull Fighters / Cruise KittyIt's No Picnic / Big Feet / The Great Motorboat Race