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Tom and Jerry Wiki

"Under the Big Top" is the nineteenth episode of The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show.


Jerry gets Tom involved in a circus act and proceeds to make his act a dangerous and humiliating performance.


At the Circus. Tom chases Jerry to the circus. Jerry run through a hole in a fence. Tom look through the hole in a fence. Then Tom digs a hole and sneaks into the circus to look for Jerry. Suddenly the Gorilla appears and stares at Tom and growl at him. Tom flee from the hole and undig the hole and Tom use the wooden planks to cover the hole and hammers and runs away. Jerry put the left elbow on the gorilla foot. Then the Gorilla winks.

Toms runs to look for Jerry. Jerry appears and stick his tongue. Then Tom runs to Jerry. Then Jerry runs away and Tom catches up with Jerry. Jerry opens the tent and Tom went into the Tent. Tom skidded into the tent. Then one of the elephant stomp. Realises Tom noticed there is elephants inside the tent. Elephants looks at Jerry walkings. Jerry is about to tease the Elephant. Tom tries to stop him. Jerry teases the Elephants but the elephants beat up Tom causing the tent collapses. Tom comes out of the collapse tent.

Tom heard the noise coming from Jerry. Tom chases Jerry into the clown room. Then Tom trip, he fell and there was red nose on his face. Then the hat falls onto Tom Head. Then the Ringmaster drags Tom and bring him to the circus. Then the Ringmaster tell Tom ot get up there and make those people laugh. Then the Ringmaster announces Tom the Clown. Tom is falling down. Then the Ringmaster squirts some water onto the dry sponge Then Tom lands onto the dry sponge. Then Tom cheer himself.

Tom juggles the red balls. Jerry had an idea. Jerry carrying a dumbbell. Then Jerry jumps off the high dive and lands on the see saw. Then the blue barbell jumps off the see saw and he landed on Tom. Causing Tom falls into the hole. Then 4 small red ball fall into the hole. Tom come out of the hole and chases Jerry.

Tom lands on the see saw while Jerry drops his dumbbell. Then Jerry jumps off the see saw. Now Jerry is on the tightrope pointing something. The acrobat jumps off the high dive and lands on the see saw. Then Tom jumps off the see saw and lands on the cannon. Then Jerry lights the cannon. He futilely attempts to blow out the fuse from the cannon, but the cannon shoots Tom high into the trapeze. Then Tom tries to reach the another trapeze. Then Tom bounces onto the net while trying to reach the trapeze. Jerry use the scissors to cut the rope. But Tom still tries the reach the trapeze.

Tom bounces off the net and lands onto the Seal nose. Then the Seal tosses him up and down. But Tom realise he is up in the sky. Then Tom tries to runs away and landed on the seal tail. Then the Seal kicks him and spin him around. Jerry throws the fish to seal. Then the seal eats the fish and he throws Tom to the Lion Cage.

Lion Tamer use the whip to hit the Lion. Then the Lion roars. Then Tom lands into the Lion Mouth. Then Tom opens the Lion Mouth. Then Tom tries to Run away then the ringmaster whipped him. Then Tom stand onto the blue ball. Then Tom does the trick. Then the Lions lands onto Tom. Then Tom tries to lift the lions. Jerry went into the Lion Cage. Then he is about to touch the blue ball. Tom tries to stop him. Then Jerry flicks the blue ball. Then Jerry runs away causing Tom and Lions to wobbles. Then Tom tries to lift the lions again. But the Lions collapse onto Tom. Then Tom tries to run away from the lions.

Tom sees a big popcorn machine. Jerry dives into the popcorn machine. Then Tom dives into the popcorn machine and tries to catch Jerry. Then Jerry jumps off the popcorn machine. Then he turn the popcorn machine into low to high. Then Tom tries to jumps off the popcorn machine. Then the popcorn machine explodes and lands onto the Lion Mouth again. Then the Lion spits Tom out and Tom lands onto the see saw but he tries to run away but the Lion lands onto him. Then the acrobat jumps off the high dive and lands on the see saw. Then Tom and Lion jumps off the see saw and Tom lands on the seal flipper and spin him around and toss him. Then the Lion lands on the seal flipper and spin him around. Toms lands into the cannon again. Then the Seal tosses the Lion and lands into the cannon.

Jerry lights the cannon again. Tom and Lion futilely attempts to blow out the fuse from the cannon, but the cannon shoots Tom and Lion high into the sky and Tom and Lion bounces onto the net while Tom trying to reach the trapeze but the Lion roars at him. And when the episode ends, Now Jerry is a Ringmaster.







  • At the end of the episode, Jerry is wearing a bow tie (as well as a top hat and holding a cane) like he done in the previous show, The Tom and Jerry Show (1975).
  • Speaking of a cane, Jerry also had it in the series' finale, Stage Struck.
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show Episodes
Farewell, Sweet Mouse / Droopy's Restless Night / New Mouse in the HouseHeavy Booking / Matterhorn Droopy / The Puppy SitterMost Wanted Cat / Pest in the West / Cat in the FiddleInvasion of the Mouse Snatchers / The Incredible Droop / The Plaid Baron Strikes AgainIncredible Shrinking Cat / Scared Bear / When the Rooster CrowsSchool for Cats / Disco Droopy / Pied Piper PussUnder the Big Top / Lumber Jerks / Gopher It, TomSnowbrawl / Getting the Foot / Kitty Hawk KittyGet Along, Little Jerry / Star-crossed Wolf / Spike's BirthdayNo Museum Peace / A Day at the Bakery / Mouse Over MiamiThe Trojan Dog / Foreign Legion Droopy / Pie in the SkySave That Mouse / Old Mother Hubbard / Say What?Superstocker / Droopy's Good Luck Charm / The Great MousiniJerry's Country Cousin / The Great Diamond Heist / Mechanical FailureA Connecticut Mouse in King Arthur's Cork / The Great Train Rubbery / Stage Struck