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Tom and Jerry Wiki

"You're Lion" is an episode of Tom and Jerry Tales written by Eric Jacobson, Spike Brandt and Tony Cervone and directed by Spike Brandt and Tony Cervone.


During an African safari, Tom meets his fellow felines, the wild lions. Unfortunately for him, the lions wish to make a meal out of him .


In the African safari, Tom is reading a book "Big Cats of Africa", while his owner is admiring the local wildlife from a jeep. When asked, if Africa isn't exciting, Tom yawns. The approach changes, when Tom meets his feline cousins, the wild lions. Unfortunately for him, the lions decided to make a meal out of him .but mostly him because he's much bigger than Jerry and makes a much better meal. Tom and Jerry run away into a hut and lock the door with the lionesses inside.

The lion and the lioness trick them by announcing a birthday party (which it's probably really neither Tom or even Jerry's birthday), which it's really a trap to fattened them up and slowing them down before they eventfully going eat Tom. but Jerry and Tom manage to escape and also somehow lose all of the extra weight they've gained from the treats they ate at the ruse birthday party as well.

The animals run at the rhinoceroses, where their appearance causes the rhinos to panic. A nearsighted female rhino screams about her baby rhino's horn, claiming that someone has stolen her baby rhino's horn after mistaking Tom with his party hat on his bottom for a baby rhino because of her poor eyesight. Thinking poachers took it, the rhinos run , causing Tom and Jerry to flee and hop on the jeep. The lion along with the lionesses also jump on the jeep before Jerry and Tom did to escape from the rhino riot, Mrs. Two Shoes says "This was a little too close for my taste", the lion would agree, Mrs. Two Shoes hearing the lion made her scream as the lion says "What I say?" as she screams again.


In Other Languages[]

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology and notes
Reunião de Família Family Reunion


Main article: You're Lion/Gallery


  • There are three lionesses belonging the male lion's pride. When Tom and Jerry barricaded themselves in a hut with many locks and turned out the lionesses are also in the hut as well, there are seven lionesses who about to eat them. Also in the scene, where they along Tom, Jerry and their male leader headed to Mrs. Two Shoes' jeep to escape from the rhino riot, there are only two lionesses, instead of all three (or seven).


  • The Lion and his lioness cohorts want to eat their domestic "cousin", Tom in this cartoon. In real life, lions don't often eat other felines unless if they're extremely hungry and without any other alternatives to eat.
  • The lion's design in this episode is based on the one from Jerry and the Lion (1950).
  • This is one of the episodes where Jerry saves Tom.


Tom and Jerry Tales
Season 1
Tiger Cat | Feeding Time | Polar Peril | Joy Riding Jokers | Cat Got Your Luggage? | City Dump Chumps | Way-Off Broadway | Egg Beats | Cry Uncle | Bats What I Like About the South | Fraidycat Scat | Tomb It May Concern | Din-O-Sores | Freaky Tiki | Prehisterics | Digital Dilemma | Hi, Robot | Tomcat Jetpack | Fire Breathing Tom Cat | Medieval Menace | The Itch | Ho Ho Horrors | Doggone Hill Hog | Northern Light Fish Fight | Cat Nebula | Martian Mice | Spaced Out Cat | Octo Suave | Beach Bully Bingo | Treasure Map Scrap | Destruction Junction | Battle of the Power Tools | Jackhammered Cat | Tin Cat of Tomorrow | Beefcake Tom | Tomcat Superstar | Piranha Be Loved By You | Spook House Mouse | Abracadumb
Season 2
More Powers to You | Catch Me Though You Can't | Power Tom | Zent Out of Shape | I Dream of Meanie | Which Witch | Don't Bring Your Pet to School Day | Cat Show Catastrophe | The Cat Whisperer | Adventures in Penguin Sitting | Cat of Prey | Jungle Love | Invasion of the Body Slammers | Monster Con | Over the River and Boo the Woods | Xtreme Trouble | A Life Less Guarded | Sasquashed | Summer Squashing | League of Cats | Little Big Mouse | Bend It Like Thomas | Endless Bummer | Game Set Match | The Declaration of Independunce | Kitty Hawked | 24 Karat Kat | Hockey Schtick | Snow Brawl | Snow Mouse | DJ Jerry | Kitty Cat Blues | Flamenco Fiasco | You're Lion | Kangadoofus | Monkey Chow | Game of Mouse & Cat | Babysitting Blues | Catfish Follies